Chapter Seventeen - We're both afraid

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Evelyn's eyes slowly blinked open as she rubbed the sleep out of them with the palm of her hands.  Lifting her head up from William's chest she let out a yawn as she looked around.  The telly was still on but the movie had ended long ago.  

William was still asleep as she woke up and started gathering her things she came with.  

"Were you going to leave without saying goodbye?" She heard a deep yet tired voice say from behind her.

Turning around, she saw the blue eyed man she had fallen for rub the sleep out of his eyes.  

"Morning, blue eyes," she greeted him shyly.

"Blue eyes?" He asked eyebrows furrowed as he started to get up from the couch and stretched his sore back before walking to his girl and bringing her closer to him.

"Yeah, because you have the prettiest blue eyes I've ever seen," she said smoothly but truthfully.

"First Captain now blue eyes. . . I like it," he told her with a teasing smile as she laughed which he found to be best sound and wanted to hear more of it.  "Your eyes, there's something magical about them."

"Magical?" she smirked at him thinking that was a funny word to describe someone's eyes.

"Yeah," he nodded his head.  "It's like there's blue and then some grey like before one of London's best rainstorms.  They're stormy but in the best way possible."

"That's very sweet of you," Eve commented to him.  

"What would you say about making it official?" William asked Evelyn as they were in the comfort of her apartment.  

Two months after living with Vivienne, she knew that she needed her own place.  William was back for a short break and whenever he was home in London, he always made sure to pay Evelyn a visit.   

"I'm scared," she murmured quietly as if anyone could hear their conversation.  Like it was a secret only the two of them knew of.

"I am as well," he admitted.

"You?  Why are you afraid?" She asked confused.

"Loads of things.  Making sure you're protected.  This isn't like my last relationship where we were protected from university.  That you don't resent me for what I would put you through just to be with me.  I came out of a four year relationship with someone because she couldn't handle it and I couldn't see a future with her.  I don't know how much more rejection I can take," he all but confessed to the woman who had become very important to him.  "I can't help the family I was born into.  People think that because I'm a prince I was born into all the wealth and privilege and that women just fall at my feet.  But they also don't see my side of everything.  They didn't see how I felt when I was only fifteen when I received the news that my mum died.  They don't live with the tabloids telling lies about you and not being able to comment back.  I'm afraid that you'll one day leave me knowing that someone better can offer you so much more than what I can."

Evelyn's breath was sucked in as she listened to all of his fears and worries.  

"I can't lie and say that I have same worries.  But one thing that I am certain of is that there will be no other man for be who is better than you.  You have been there for me since the day we met and I know you'll continue to just as I will for you.  In the amount of time I've known you you've not only become a good friend but for also have helped me to see it's okay to move on.  To be happy with someone else."

"So this is it then?" He asked wanting to make sure one more time.  "Because when we agree to it, we're all in.  There's no going back now."

"This is it," she nodded her head with confirmation and a twinkle of happiness shown in her eyes.

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