Chapter Eight - Dress Fitting & Happy Tears

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15 September 2011

The girls were back home in England and Evelyn had her first dress fitting today!  When Evelyn got home, she slept for most of the day as she had the worst jet lag.  When she had woken up sometime in the late afternoon, closer towards dinner, she had filled William in on everything that happened and he listened to it all.  Whilst she enjoyed her time away, she missed William and he missed her.

Today, she was having her first dress fitting and she was so excited!

"Can you believe we only have two months until the wedding?!  Two!" Evelyn let out a laugh with a smile and William smiled at her and shook his head.

"I can't believe it either.  Seems like it is flying by now."

"You guys are going to have the best wedding," Ivy said and Evelyn smiled at her best friend.

It was a little chilly today so Evelyn decided to dress in her comfortable clothes which consisted of leggings and a cosy jumper.  She had so many jumpers but she loved them all and wore them constantly that William didn't mind.  Even though she had loads, he would find his own missing every so often and know that she was wearing them.

"Thanks, Ivy," Evelyn said after she took a sip of her hot apple cider tea.  "You and Jake just need to get engaged now," she teased.  She loved that Ivy and Jake were together and couldn't be happier for them.

It was pretty early in the morning - seven thirty to be exact.  Evelyn always liked to be up with William before he headed off to one of his engagements to spend some quality time with him.  Ivy spent the night at their place, figuring it would be easier since they would be leaving early anyway for her dress fitting.  Evelyn's dress fitting was at nine so they had a while to get ready and William was leaving at the same time for his engagement.  William was already dressed in nice dark blue dress pants and a white button down shirt that Evelyn had bought him a while back while his jacket was on the back of his chair.

"I don't know if we will or not," Ivy shrugged her shoulders.  "We're happy with what we have right now," she said with a smile.

"Well, whatever you guys decide, I support you."

"I do too," William joined in.  "Both of you have been amazing friends and we just want you both to be happy."

"Thanks," Ivy smiled at her best friends.  "I'm going to put my makeup on then I'll be ready," she told Eve as she got up from the stool that was at their kitchen counter.

"Okay," Evelyn smiled at Ivy.  "I'll be here."

Evelyn was already dressed and was wearing minimal makeup today only having filled in her eyebrows, wearing eyeliner and mascara.  

"What time will you be done with your engagement today?" Evelyn asked William.

"I'll be done around two o'clock.  What about you?"

"About the same time.  D'you want to meet us somewhere for lunch?"

"Yeah, any place in particular?"

"I don't know," she let out a small laugh.  "I'll ask everyone what they think."

William took out his mobile from his pocket and browsed Google for some restaurant ideas and Evelyn looked next to him.  

"There's 215 Hackney, Noble Rot Soho, Iran Restaurant, Andy's Greek Taverna, Bluebird..."

"What about Bluebird?" Evelyn asked perking up.

"All right," he nodded his head in agreement.

Evelyn sent out a text message to the group asking about going to Bluebird after the dress fitting and they were all for it.  Ivy came out not too long after with a look of uncertainty on her face.

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