Chapter Twelve - Royal Training

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When Evelyn pulled into Buckingham Palace and had given her name to the guards at the gate noticed how many cars were parked outside.  Since it was getting ready to close within the coming weeks to the public people always seemed to wait last minute to visit.  Some people had noticed her as she was pulling into the gates and waved at her and she waved back with a smile.

News stations were there as well hoping to get a glimpse of the bride or any other member of the Royal family.  Evelyn drove further into a gated area that was closed off to the public as she parked her car.  They had to have privacy for the family as it was a must for protecting them.  

Evelyn remembered how one year, she believed it was at the beginning of her third year dating William, that someone somehow got past the gates and keyed Beatrice's car.  Luckily, they were able to find out who that person was and he had to be in prison for five years as it was a member of the British Royal family and they saw it as a threat in the trial.  To say Beatrice was pissed was an understatement.  It was a brand new Tesla that she had just bought, but the Tesla company was so nice and provided her with a new car.  

Evelyn was dressed business casual with black pants, nude heels, a blouse and a pink blazer that she wore with the outfit.  She did her usual feline flick cat eye look with mascara and wore her blonde hair down in soft waves.  She always felt the need to dress nice when having her training or meeting with the Queen.  

A guard at the door took Evelyn to Patricia right away as he had been alerted by the guards at the gate that Evelyn had arrived.

"Hello, Evelyn," Patricia greeted the blonde as she kissed both cheeks.  "How're you today?"

"I'm all right and you?"

"I'm well, thank you.  Now, to make sure the paparazzi don't take pictures of your knickers, you have to do the Duchess slant.  It was famously used by the late Princess Diana, God rest her soul," she muttered the last part.

"How do you do the Duchess slant?" Eve asked confused.

Patricia tutted for a second as she straightened out her shoulders as she walked to stand in front of a chair.

"First things first.  You want to make sure your shoulders are straight up.  By doing the Duchess slant you help create poise and posture.  Next, clasp your knees together.  Imagine that there is a pretend egg behind you that's coming in-between you and the chair so that you don't sit back all the way.  Keep your chin parallel to the ground and your legs will stay together with just the slightest lean," she said as she demonstrated the Duchess slant.  "By doing so, you take less of a risk to have the paparazzi capturing unwanted pictures that show up on the front page.  It also keeps people from looking up your dress.  Now, let's have you try it."

Patricia was strict yet nice.  Firm but friendly.  Helpful and would never let Evelyn Claire Bennett be captured as someone she wasn't.  She liked Evelyn and respected and vise versa.  There was an admiration between the two women.  A deep respect.  Both professionally and personally.

"Alright," Evelyn nodded her head and began to practice.

"Slight, I said slight, Evelyn," as Evelyn tried to get even smaller and ended up falling over as she let out a shriek and Patricia came up to her as you could hear her high heels against the floor.  

"Are you all right?" Patricia said as bent down slightly with her legs closed and Evelyn pushed on her hand on the ground to help lift her up.

"I'm fine," she assured her as she got up.  

"Let's try again, shall we?" Patricia asked and Evelyn nodded her head as she went over to the beautiful sofa and sat down practicing again.  "Better, much better.  Let's try a few more times just to make it perfect."

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