Chapter Seventeen - Will's birthday

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so sorry for the late update!  didn't mean to take this long as I was thinking about updating my Grey's Anatomy fanfic before this chapter

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so sorry for the late update!  didn't mean to take this long as I was thinking about updating my Grey's Anatomy fanfic before this chapter...but here we are lol.



21 June 2018

Evelyn was officially eighteen weeks pregnant.  They had decided to wait until she was nineteen weeks to find out the gender of the baby.  Evelyn just knew it was a girl whereas William wasn't sure.  Since the last pregnancy was with twins it was harder to tell what she was having.  With Alexander it was easy.  They both had guessed she was having a boy along with the rest of their family and friends.  

Her cravings were all over the place.  Last night she got a tub of coffee ice cream and had a few pickle crisps before she finished making William's cake.  She felt as though her ankles were already getting slightly swollen and same with her feet.  She was glad that she was taking time off right now from work, only doing engagements that she chose to do.  Evelyn groaned at the thought of having to wear heels right now and tried to wear anything but them.  If she had to wear them, she would.  

For William's birthday this year one of Evelyn's gifts to him was a digital picture frame.  Evelyn had added pictures to it the last three days along with videos.  

She had stayed up all night to make his favourite cake which was Devil Food's cake.  Let's just say they used the left over frosting to good use that night.

Evelyn had the kids hand make the cards for their dad which included paint to paint their hands on the card.  People wouldn't know this from looking on the outside but he loved simple, thoughtful gifts.  He loved gifts with meaning. 

"Morning birthday boy," Evelyn cooed at her husband as she straddled him.

He slowly fluttered his blue eyes open and gave her a sleepy smile that made her heart flutter.

"Mmm?" He said as he rubbed the sleep from his eyes.  "What time is it?" He asked as he was rubbing the sleep from his eyes.

"Seven in the morning," she said as she let out a yawn and covered her mouth as he had put on his glasses.

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