Chapter Twelve - The waiting game begins

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Waking up slowly, Evelyn rubbed her eyes as they slowly opened as she took in her surroundings.  She noticed that William's spot of where he slept last night was missing and when she slowly sat up, covering herself with the sheet, she looked around not finding him.  

Getting out from the comfortable warm bed, she felt an eerily breeze coat her body and she shivered slightly.  Changing into her work clothes from earlier, she then worked her fingers through her hair untangling it, if needed.

She walked through the hallways and found William making breakfast.  He wore a white shirt and jeans.

"Morning," William greeted the blue eyed woman who stayed with him.


Standing on her tip toes slightly, she leaned in and pressed her lips to his, kissing him.  His arms snaked around her waist, pulling her closer to him as she melted into his touch, neither much caring about the morning breath.

"Would you like some toast with marmalade?" he asked later.

"Yes, please."

She hadn't realised how starving she was until she bit into the toast.  Thankfully, she was able to go into work later today as she wasn't needed early in the morning.  One of the great things about being the owner of her company was she could decide when and if she needed to go into work based on how busy it was or what was being done that day.  Most days she liked to go in, but today she was dreading it.  She ate her toast and drank her tea as he did the same, having a minimalist breakfast.

"I want you to know, there might be times when I won't be able to call you.  I'm going to be really busy with training and we there will be days where we won't get breaks."

"I know, William.  I remember how it goes.  My brother is in the same unit as you.  I'll be okay," she said shrugging her shoulders.

"Okay," he nodded his head in affirmation at her certainty and ability to understand the military life.  "I just. . . I wanted to tell you everything that might happen to prepare you."

"I know and I appreciate it," she told him honestly.

"I'll miss you," she told him looking up into his blue eyes that were lighter than hers.

He had walked her out to the door that led from Clarence House to the outside world.  With Clarence House the couple felt they could totally and completely be themselves.  They didn't have to hide their relationship.

"I'll miss you as well."

He leaned down to press his lips to her temple then her lips for the last time until they saw each other again.


Kate had rang for William and was now at his place in Clarence House.  If they were to meet up he wanted it done at his place not for prying eyes to see and making front page, not wanting to scare Evelyn off.

"You wanted to talk," William asked Kate to which she nodded her head as her hands wring together.

"That woman you were with--" she began but was cut off.

"Evelyn," he corrected her.

"Yes, Evelyn, I know it's absolutely none of my business but are you dating her?" She asked tilting her head to the side as she were curious.


He didn't want to give away too much detail how they had only just admitted their feelings for each other last night on his mum's birthday.  He felt as though that should only be left for the two of them.  William felt as though his mum's presence was with him, encouraging him and supporting him.  It gave him the sense that he was doing the right thing.

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