Chapter Eighteen - And All Of My Worldly Goods With Thee I Share

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Se regarder dans les yeux.

To look each other straight in the eye


"We are live outside Buckingham Palace where thousands are gathered at for today's Royal wedding," Katie Nichols, Royal expert commentator spoke to the camera for BBC Network. "Arriving on the big day, guests are taking their places at Westminster Abbey ahead of the marriage of Prince William and Evelyn Bennett.  Last minute nerves as they prepare to take their vows in the full glare of the international spotlight.  It is a tradition on the Royal wedding days for the Queen to recognize the importance of what's going on.  Grants a new title and that is exactly what Her Majesty has done.  I've just been passed this note by Buckingham Palace and this is to say the Queen has decided to grant three titles - no fewer than three titles to Prince William today.  Duke of Cambridge, Earl of Strathearn, and Baron Carrickfergus - that's a little taste of the different parts of the United Kingdom there.  Evelyn will become Her Royal Highness The Duchess of Cambridge.  That's an interesting  thing to talk about a little later because I suspect that Prince William to be known as Prince William.  That will carry on but clearly the formalities to these things is a new title the main one being the Duke of Cambridge."

"This is the biggest celebration of its kind in London for thirty years. People have been camped out all along the route. Others have been taking part in street parties. And around the world a huge television audience that is tuning in as Prince William and Evelyn Bennett's wedding is broadcast across the globe," Katie finishes.

BBC continued to talk about William and Evelyn.  Their lives before they they met each other and how they were growing up.  They showed childhood pictures that was released to them from the Bennett family, given the okay from William and Her Majesty.  They then proceeded to discuss their lives after they met each other and they even mentioned the photo of a little girl who was fourteen years old at the time who had handed the young prince a bouquet of forget-me-nots as they all wondered if that young girl was Evelyn.  Nothing had either been confirmed nor denied as people across the globe was hoping that it would have been brought up during their engagement interview.  They had come to the conclusion, based on the pictures that they had shown, that it was indeed little young Evelyn, comforting a young prince who had just lost his mum.  

They talked about how sweet that moment was and how years later their paths crossed again through her brother Eric.  They also talked about how they were as a couple and why they worked.  Katie Nichols also talked about their inner friend circle and how they would never talk to the media.  That they trusted them so much and they didn't address Prince William by his royal title.  


Before their marriage, they had sat down with the Archbishop of Canterbury who would marry them and not only had marriage counseling, but he wanted to make sure that they going into this not taking it lightly.  What he found was everything he had hoped for from a couple - especially a couple in the public eye.  He sensed that they had a commitment from each other and that it went even before he proposed to Evelyn.  They had chatted about what they both wanted out of the marriage and their thoughts very much so lined up with each others.  They discussed everything from problems they could endure such as slander and rumours or arguments and how to go about them, how to resolve conflict, they discussed how they would handle their relationships with their families.  They both had discussed since the beginning that they wanted both families to be involved and apart of their lives.  He even discussed finances with the couple and it was then that Evelyn mentioned to him as William already knew that she had been investing her money and saving it.  She had mentioned that if anything were ever to happen to her, she wasn't sure if she wanted her children to have all of her money as it seemed like nothing good ever came of that.  So until then, the money sat in her account with her financial advisor.  This would be discussed in the interview that BBC would have with the Archbishop of Canterbury before the Royal wedding, without going into so much detail, to respect their privacy but wanting to give just enough information to please the public.  

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