Chapter Twenty-One : New Surroundings

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Evelyn woke up the next morning and blinked as she adjusted to the light in their master bedroom.  Her husband was already gone as he had to report to his work early in the morning.  He had received a call from his Group Captain last night telling him what time he needed to be in.  She didn't mind since she would be kept busy doing things around the house anyway.  Later in the week, they would be going to dinner with some of the men and women he worked with.

She hoped she would make some friends around here.

Waking up slowly, she went to the washroom and did her morning business of going to the bathroom, doing her skincare routine and putting on minimal makeup today.  Though they weren't going anywhere, she still wanted to be somewhat put together.  She walked into their walk-in closet, which was quite large, and picked out an outfit perfect for lounging or the beach if she went there today.  

She was in the middle of trying to find some kitchenware and cups whilst her mobile rang.

"Hey Kate," Evelyn answered her mobile with a smile as she put her on speaker as she looked around her kitchen for some plates and a glass for water.  

"Hey, I just wanted to check in with you and see how the unpacking was going?"

"We're nearly finished," she told Kate with a smile at how thoughtful her soon to be sister-in-law was.  "I'm just having a little trouble finding a plate and a cup," she mumbled the last part which made Kate giggle a little.

"I hate when that happens," Kate sympathized.  "I don't know what Eric and I are going to do when we have to move."

"You'll do great," Evelyn praised her.  "You're so organised."

"I know but it's been so long that I've moved properly, you know?" She said to Evelyn who nodded her head in understanding.  "Listen, I don't want to keep you long, and I know this is a big thing I'm about to ask you both since you literally just moved and got married," she rambled on.

"Out with it, Kate," Evelyn let out a giggle and Kate laughed as well.

"Well, you know how my brother, James has a dog right?"

"Yeah, she's pregnant right now, isn't she?" Evelyn asked excited to hear about the puppies.

"She is," Kate said smiling really big even if Evelyn couldn't see her - she could tell that she was smiling.  "She actually just gave birth!"

"Are you serious?" Evelyn gasped and smiled.  "Okay Kate, you're going to have to send us pictures of the puppies!"

"I will," Kate promised Evelyn.  "That's actually what I wanted to call about.  I know how much you and Wills love her and have been talking about getting a dog..."

"Kate are you saying what I think you're saying..."

"Would you guys like to buy a puppy?" Kate blurted out and it took Evelyn a moment to respond as she stopped rummaging through the cabinets.

Evelyn loved James' cocker spaniels and whilst her and William had been talking about buying a puppy before they had children but in thirty days they were off to their honeymoon and before that Eric and Kate were getting married.

"I - I'm not sure, Kate.  I'll chat with William tonight and see what he thinks.  I know we would love to have a puppy, it's just knowing when the right timing is."

"I understand," Kate smiled.  "How about I send you the pictures James sent me and you chat with Wills tonight?  I also asked your siblings too if they were interested..."

"I know Vivienne is too busy for a dog right now but I'm sure my brothers will want one.  That was very nice of you, Kate.  Thank you!"

"Of course," she told Eve.  "We'll talk soon, yeah?"  

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