Chapter Three - I forgive you but I can't be friends with you

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my darling,

you will never be unloved by me

you are too well tangled in my soul.


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"Well, it's a good thing that Evelyn hasn't spotted them yet," Chelsy told her boyfriend as they glanced nervously at the couple that was a few tables over from them with their friends as well

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"Well, it's a good thing that Evelyn hasn't spotted them yet," Chelsy told her boyfriend as they glanced nervously at the couple that was a few tables over from them with their friends as well.

Chelsy remembered what happened with Evelyn and Blair the last time they chatted and it hadn't ended well.

Since then, Chelsy knew that Blair had been trying to reach out to Evelyn, but she wasn't sure what her motive was.  She knew that Evelyn was done with their friendship since the moment she caught Blair and Liam having sex.  Blair on the other hand had been trying to text Evelyn or get through to her from mutual friends they had which pissed Evelyn off.  Neither of the blondes were sure why Blair couldn't move on and let Evelyn be happy.

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