2. Liar

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Pictures above are imaginary of
Milly Young & Abigail Foster.
Happy reading 😉

Milly drive us to her apartment which she shared it with Abigail. I'm grateful to have a friend like her, she's more like a sister than a friend. She always there whenever I need someone to talk my problem out, whenever I need a shoulder to cry on. Sometimes I feel like taking her for granted, but I promise myself, I will change that.

Abigail open the door before Milly successfully found her keys from her purse, she hugged me immediately.

Did she knows what happened?

I'm not surprised if she knows, Milly must be texted her before we arrive.

"I'm sorry" she mumbled into the crock of my neck. I let out a soft shob, I tried my best not to cry, but my tears seem can't understand that.

"Let's go inside first" Milly interrupted. I pull away from Abigail, wiping my tears stained cheeks with the corner of my sleeve and she lead me to the couch in the living room of their apartment. She sat down on a two seater couch, pulled me along with her While Milly go straight to the kitchen to fetch a glass of water.

I sat there sulking, I don't know what to say, I don't know what to do. But I do know one thing.

Life must go on.

I won't be benefiting of anything if I just seat there do nothing except pitying myself.

I have to get up, Nicholas might broke my heart, but I'm strong girl, I won't let what he do to me effecting my life. I won't let him won. Shit happen, but that doesn't mean my life stopped just by one trial.

"Kate, I know you are strong. But you don't have to act strong all the time in front of us" Milly appear in the room with a glass of water and handed it to me. I accept it and take a sip, giving them a weak smile.

"How long have you guys know this?" I asked none in particular.

Milly sigh before take a seat on another couch across from Abigail and me.

"From the first time you introduce him to us, that time you already Date him almost 6 months"

I lean forward, propping my elbows on my knees and slumping my head in my palms. Abigail squeeze my shoulder a gesture she do to let me know she's there with me.

I remember that time Abigail warned me that she doesn't have a good feeling with me dating Nicholas. Milly told me, she found him too familiar. A week after their meeting, Milly show me a college gossip regarding Nicholas, apparently he's a man-whore in his college year.

By the time we started dating, Nicholas already graduated from college around one year. Milly is on her senior year while me and Abigail are still in Junior. He do tell me he went to my college, but I never meet him there and I don't spend my free time hanging around.

When Milly show me the gossip, I just brushed her off I tell them that I don't mind because that was his past not his present. I always think he has changed for me. Sadly it's just me being naive. If only I believe them then.

"I can't believe I fall for that, how naive i am to believe his sugar coated words"

"You are naive, because you are inexperienced and that son of a Bitch Nicholas took advantage of your innocent" Abigail said bluntly, I cringe at her choice of words. Turning to face her. She raised her eyebrows at me.

"What?, Are you going to defend him now even after everything he'd done to you?" She asked in disbelief.

"No. She just not used to your swearing" Milly peep in. I give her a grateful smile. That's why I called her sister, she always know what I mean from my expression.

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