22 - Where are You?

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Chapter 22•

Ouch my head hurt.

I open my eyes, but it was dark surround me. I scanned the area where I was. I couldn't recognize the place.

Where am I?

There's only one dim light illuminated the area. I was sprawled on the cold dirty concrete floor with both hands tied in front of me. Then memories hit me like a slideshow movie, Jack kissing Tessa, me running away with unknown anger, empty alleyway, someone following me and blackout. My heart started to beat faster in panic. My body shaking, lips trembling in fear.

No... Not again.

A distance memory that I tried so hard to buried in the past, threatening to come back.

"No please don't hurt me ... You promised me you wouldn't hurt me" tears rolling down my cheeks.

I was scared. I don't know if I can live once I get through all of this. My hands shake uncontrollably, tears keep rolling like a waterfall. I don't know what to do, but I was desperately need a miracle at this very moment.

"Don't worry cupcake, I would never hurt you, I will just give you pleasure. You will love it, trust me"

No.. no!

"Hey! Shut up bitch!" An angry voice screamed from somewhere in the room, bring me back to my current situation a.

I turn around frantically until my eyes landed on a big old man in his fifties. The only dim light in the room is enough for me to recognize him. He is the one who tried to rape me in the BB, I was lucky that time because Jack stop it from happening. But I doubt luck is on my side this time because somewhere out there, Jack was busy with someone else.

Tears slides down my cheeks. Scared. I'm scared to the point of my whole body shake in fear. My head hurt, my wrist hurt from how tight the rope tied me in fact, my whole body is hurt. But I didn't feel hurt or sore down there, which was a relief they didn't touch me just yet. But I don't know how long they will keep me until they do whatever they want, I shake my head to clear myself from the terrifying thought. Why I'd to go in this situation again? Does God hate me so much?

Suddenly the only door in the room kicked open and come in a girl in her sluty wear. Not just any girl. But Tessa. What is she doing here? She beacon the old man to leave before her attention fall on me. A sinister smile on her face, mocking my situation.

"Tsk tsk tsk, what happened Doll face? Are you scared?" She ask in her fake concern. "Don't worry, I wouldn't let him touch you just yet." She said full of venom in her voice. Her words make me shiver in disgust. I can't believe someone like her exist in this world.

"W-why are you doing t-this T-Tessa?" I ask her, stuttering. My hand shake a little, but I tried to control it. I don't let a single tear drop either. I don't want to give her the satisfaction knowing how terrified I am.

"Oh not much, just a little tiny mini request. Stay. Away. From. Jack!" She said emphasizing each word. "He is MINE!" she shout at me made me flinched. She smirk. Evil smirk.

So she's doing all of this because of Jack? She doesn't have to scare me, does she?. Aren't she already claimed him a few hours ago? Why is she still threatening me and kidnap me just to scare me away.

"Believe me sweetheart, this is nothing. I will make sure to make your life a living hell if you didn't do as I say. You won't like to know, would you?" She said, her gaze are ice cold. I shiver under her stare which make her giggle in satisfaction. "Oh I forgot, I shouldn't ask you, I just kill you and dump your body in the ocean, none will find you or-"

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