9. Mom

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Chapter 9:

My hands shaking, my heart pounding loudly inside my rib cage. My face goes pale and my eyes blurry with tear, but I still aware of people around me, my mind telling me to 'get out' of here. I just meet these people, I don't want them to pitty me.

With that in mind, I clenched my phone tightly in my hand. I stand up abruptly saying "I have to go" before dashed to the front door. I run out of the house, I didn't know around this neighborhood but I have to get a taxi or uber to the hospital. I keep running on the long driveway until somebody caught my hand stopped me.

"Stop it Kate" Jack familiar voice stopped me from running, he spun me around to face him, concerned expression on his face.

His facial expression softened when he saw a tear slipped Down from my eyes. He reached out and wipe it with his thumb before he pulled me into a hug.

"Tell me what happened? What did the caller said to you?" He said softly. I seemed can't hold back my tears any longer, I let it run freely soaking his shirt. Jack stroking my hairs while keeping me in his embrace. I have a hard time to form a word when I'm a wrecking mess. I am not usually crying in front of stranger or new people, but Jack presence at the moment calmed me down. He didn't ask more, and he keeps me save in his arms.

"Hospital... I .. I need to go to hospital now" I said after I found my voice back, still sobbing. Jack pulled away slightly to see my face, trying to read my expressions, when he didn't get an answer he was looking, he sighed and led me to his car, he didn't ask but I can see that he's worried.

"Let me drive you there" he said opening the passenger door for me. I slip in silently.

He's quiet during the drive and let me drown in my own thoughts. Much to my relief.

I was scared. Alright.

My mother is the only family I have, she's everything to me, my world, my happiness, my strength, my weakness. I can't think, hell I can't even imagine my life without her. I know she's hurting, I know she's fighting for her life and I'm scared to even think the fact that she's slowly losing her battle.

My mother was diagnosed with stage three brain cancer two years ago, it's a miracle that she's still with me now. She knew it but she didn't tell me straight away, delaying her treatment which caused the cancer cells to grow, and she keep it with herself all this time, probably because she think I can not handle it, because I'm still a college student then.

But she's forgot that I am an adult now.

We are not rich, we even struggling to keep a roof over our head, but I will do everything I can for the two of us. But no, she didn't trust me enough with the news. She still goes to work like nothing happened, she even didn't consult to the doctors she's supposed to go.

I was angry when I found out through a letter that she forgot to keep, but mostly I am angry to myself for not reading the symptoms sooner.

When she got a terrible headache almost every morning, she told me it's just normal headache.

When she's feeling nauseous and vomiting, she told me that it's just happen because of something she ate the night before and will be better soon.

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