18 - Swan Boat.

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Chapter 18.

Kate's POV:

"Ready to order?" A young waitress standing by our table holding a notepad and a pen asked. She's around mid-twenties and has beautiful feature like most girls wanted. She send flirtatious gaze at Jack, but he seemed to be lost in his own world.

He has been quiet since we left my apartment half an hour ago. I don't know what is wrong with him, I mean when he wake up this morning, he was fine. Even teasing me too, but when I come back from the bathroom he was quiet. The girl standing there still waiting for him and not even once she turn to me. Did I really invisible right now?


No respond.

"Jack!" I call again slightly louder.

Still not responding. He keep looking at the table with his arms folded across his chest. Worry start pricking in me. I wave my hands in front of him but his eyes not even blinking.

"Jack!" I try again, tapping his shoulder.

No respond. I get up from my chair and-

"Jackson!!" I yell at his ear while my hand give him a slap on his back. He jump lightly on his chair, he turn around frantically at his surrounding and sigh when he see me. I raised my brow at him in question.

"I am sorry I spaced out on you."  He said, rubbing his face and take a deep breaths. I sit back on my chair and tilted my head to the waiting waitress who still standing there watching us.

"Uh um.. black coffee and pancakes with maple syrup please." The waitress jolted his order then turn to me.

"I will have the same." I said. After the waitress gone, I lean forward, propping my elbows on the table and trying to read him.  the keyword trying because he's not giving any sign on his expression. I wish I had the ability to read mind, so I know what is going through his head right now.

Jack lift his gaze from the table to me, raising his eyebrow and showing his signature smirk.

"Do I have yo remind you to take a picture?" He copying my position by placing his elbows on the table and lean forward. Heat spreading across my face and I know that red staining my cheeks, I just hope it's not too obvious.

Clearing my throat, I shake my head and lean back to my chair. "What's wrong with you? You have been quiet since we leave my place. Did I say something wrong?" I try to be casual but it's a real challenge because Jack not diverting his gaze from me.

The waitress choose that moment to come serve our order, again she give suggestive and flirtatious smile to Jack. Which surprisingly made me want to pull her blonde ponytail, but I refrain myself for doing my thought into action, that would be embarrassing. And This time Jack raised an eyebrow at her, tilted his head to the side and run his eyes up and down her form. Bluntly undressing her with his eyes. I  just rolled mine at him despite my irritation.


"Should I come back sometime later?" I ask which seems to gain their attention, the girl turn to me with narrowed eyes but I just smile at her sweetly. Jack lean closer to me from across the table.

"Are you jealous?"

"Oh please, you are free to do whatever you want." I deny immediately.  Which make his smirk grow wider.  He signaling the waitress to leave and give his full attention to me.

"You know what, I would love it if you say yes. After all who wouldn't fall in love with someone as good looking as me?" He added. 


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