24 - It Was an Accident.

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Chapter 24.

Jack standing on the doorway with two bags of take out in each hand.

Great. What should I do now?

From the look it self, he's not bothering to hide the fact that he's angry, mad, furious. I can imagine the steam billowing from his ears. He keep his eyes fixed on Nick, while Nick shifting on his legs uncomfortably looking around and room.

"Jack..." I call him, but my voice come in a whisper.

"Relax man, I didn't come to fight you, I-"

"Stop your bullshit Nick. I won't let you ruin everything for me again, so you better get the hell out of here.!" Jack screamed, cutting Nick speech mid-sentence, I flinched a little at his thunder voice. Jack catches my reaction and his feature softening when he see how scared I was.

I want to calm him down. I don't like to see him like this, whatever issue they are having in the pass. They have to let it go, but how could I do that when I barely can move from my bed. A nurse appear in the door behind Jack with her stern expression. Her glasses falling low on the tip of her nose. She's carrying do-not-mess-with-me aura.

"What's going on here? Do you gentleman know this is a hospital. How do my patients can rest if you guys shouting in here... Get out!" She bark at them. Yeah, she's practically bark at them.

Well, nurse you are screaming too.

"Jack, can I talk to you please. Just this once, and I will leave you if you don't want to see me again in the future." Nick finally facing Jack, when he's been avoiding eye contact with Jack few minutes ago. That's progress.

"Come on, finish your business outside, my patients need to rest. Shoo." The nurse gesturing both of the men in the room to leave.


Silence. Eerie silence. Except the beeping noise from the machine who still hooked on my body, beside my bed.

I lay there, facing the boring white ceiling with so many thoughts running in my head. For once, why does Tessa come to such length to separate Jack and I. We're not officially dating, we just pretending when she's around.

But she didn't know that. Stupid.

Right. But again, she can talk to me nicely instead of kidnapping me. Thank God I'm able to run away, or else I don't know what will happen to me. Tessa seems serious with her threat, though. Does Jack know what kind of person she is?.

Maybe that's why he avoiding her like a plague.

But I still don't understand why Jack ask me to pretend to be his girlfriend when he can get any girl he want to be his real girlfriend. I'm sure with his incredibly look he can get any beautiful girl out there, even a first class model. Unlike me.

Are you jealous?

Of course not.

But you look like a jealous girlfriend when you think about any girl Jack can get.

I do not.

Yes you do.

Oh, shut up.

That's what you say when you lose an argument. Which telling me I am right.

No. You are not.

I'm right.



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