FF #1 || Chapter 10

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"Okay. Don't be mad. " Gauri began slowly.

Omkara folded his hands looking away from her face, side-ward.

"I wasn't working until last December. They called me, cause they wanted a woman who could go undercover."

Omkara's jaw muscles stiffened. Woman undercover. Great. The thought of criminals staring at his...ex-wife made him go mad. He couldn't tolerate another man looking at her.

"It sort of became a every week thing. You know I love my work... And then...the day I met you at the supermarket..."

He turned to face her. Her face told she was going to confess. "That night I found that thing of yours in my covers and.."

"It wasn't my thing!" He but in glaring at her.

Gauri was enraged slightly. "How on earth was I supposed to know ? I ...I was mad at you. " She stuttered as though thinking whether to continue or not.

"Say it out." He ordered. She narrowed her eyes at him. He should so stop using that tone on her.

"Yeah, so I was mad. So mad! I thought you had moved on while I ...I was angry...then next morning... Before you came home, I was given the assignment to head to Goa. Then you came and I was messed up again. "

He held back his smile. At least he affected her. But he was still angry. She just couldn't learn to trust him. Why on earth would he be with another woman when she had his heart?

"But after you walked out this idea struck me. I wanted to spend time with you and had to come down here to Goa. So I put the two together and called your mom and .."

"Both of you manipulated me into it!" He completed.

She couldn't manipulate him like that. All the while he had been thinking he brought her along with him. But the truth was it was all her plan.

"I knew if you weren't seeing another woman, you'd only think of me. " she added quietly.He blinked unsteadily as she said that. Two women he loved – his mother and this lady before him. Both of them thick minds who loved to manipulate him. He had great respect for them. But time and again they only hurt him. It wasn't that he was easy to stir, he gave them the right to, he trusted them. This is what he got. His heart ached.

He turned to leave when he felt her hand hold his wrist. "Don't give me silence. Please."

"I have nothing to say." He raised his gaze to meet hers. She could see the moisture in his eyes.

"Omkara, you need to understand.. I.."

That statement from her broke the threshold. "I need to understand? You freaking need to understand that this hurts. I am tired. Sick and tired of you and mom. What do you think of yourself?" He stepped closer, threateningly. "I bloody care a lot, respect a lot, love a lot and this is what I get? "

She gulped he lips settling into a tight line. She was mad at him but wasn't showing. "Shiva.." She tried softly.

"Not a word. I am sick of the lies, Gauri. It's getting on my nerves. I have been madly trying to change myself from past year so that I can make things work between us and all I get from you is your stubborn old ways and manipulation." He hissed.

"Enough." She raised her voice glaring at him. "Change?" She asked her tone menacing. "This is change? Constantly picking out my faults and telling the world - how awful I am at things- is change? Taunting me at everything I do is change? Reality check Mr. Omkara Singh Oberoi. This man.." She placed her finger on his chest. "Hasn't changed." She spat.

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