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"Hey Link, wake up!" a voice called out.

A boy groaned, then rolled over.

"C'mon! The Great Deku Tree wants to see you!"

His eye cracked open, and he saw a fairy flying above him.

"Listen! We have to get going! He said to hurry!"

The boy sighed, then sat up. The fairy settled on his shoulder as he yawned, rubbing the sleep from his eyes.

"What did you say about... eku Tree?" the boy mumbled as he started to fall asleep.

"Link, c'mon!"

The fairy bumped into his head, then floated down to the bed as she grew dizzy. They sat there, but then the boy shook his head.

"The Great Deku Tree needs me?! Why didn't you say so!"

He scooped up the fairy in his hat, then ran out of his house. He jumped down the ladder, then ran over to the passageway leading to the Great Deku Tree.

He made it to the clearing in time to see the other children cheer.

"Ah, Link. You've arrived."

Link quickly sat down next to his best friend, Saria. She smiled, then turned back to the tree.

"What did I miss?" Link asked.

"Not much. The Great Deku Tree said that the Skull Kids will stay in the Lost Woods and not come out. Oh! And more fairies are appearing!" Saria replied.

Link nodded, then they turned their attention to the giant tree.

"... and for this new season, we will see more Kokiri children."

Cheers came from the children, and the Deku Tree sat patiently as they calmed down.

"We also have a new fairy with us, and she will be Link's fairy."

Mido turned to Link, a scowl on his face. Link smirked at him, and the other boy turned back. A fairy flew up to the Great Deku Tree and hovered in front of his face.

"Link, come forward."

The boy stood up and walked toward the tree. The fairy slowly floated down until she was in front of Link.

"Link, this is your fairy. Her name is Navi."

Link held out his hands, and the fairy landed in his palm. The blue aura around her faded as she looked up at the boy.

"Navi, you will help this boy. You are now his fairy and companion and will stay with him to watch over him."

The blue aura came over her again, and she started floating. She studied Link, then flew into his hat. Link bowed to the Great Deku Tree, who sent him back to the other Kokiri.

"Now, you all are dismissed, my children."

The Kokiri quickly got up and ran back to the village so they could play. Link followed Saria but was stopped when a voice called his name. He turned back to the Deku Tree, who looked down at him.

"Link, I must talk to you."

The boy walked back to the tree, then sat down.

"What is it?" he asked.

"You... Link, child. I've heard you want to see Hyrule?"

The boy nodded, and the Deku Tree sat silently in thought. He finally sighed.

"There may be a way for you to go. To go beyond the protection of the forest."

"Really? How? What do I need to do?"

"Link, calm down, boy. You must understand that there are many dangers outside of the forest. Monsters, people, all of them could be a potential enemy. Before I can let you go, you must prove that you will be fine without us."

"What do I have to do?"

"First, you need to find a sword. You need a weapon to fight with if you come across monsters. Second, you need to find a shield. A shield will help you block attacks and not get hurt. Once you have those, return to me, and I will tell you what is next."

"Yes, Great Deku tree! Thank you, Great Deku Tree!" Link exclaimed.

He quickly got to his feet and ran back to the village. He came to the end of the passageway but froze.

"Navi?" Link asked.

The fairy floated out of his hat, then asked,

"What is it, Link?"

"Where do I get a sword and shield?"

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