~Rupee Hunting~

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Link looked out around a corner, watching Saria. He quickly crept behind her, then jumped out, taking the rupee she'd been eyeing.

"Hey! That was mine!" she cried out.

"Not anymore!" Link called back.

He quickly raced to a circle of rocks. He started to pick them up and throw them, just barely missing Navi who flew above him.

"Link! Watch where you're throwing those! You almost hit me! Hey! Listen to me!"

Link quickly collected the rupees that broke free from the rocks. He checked his wallet and counted 15 rupees. He looked up, but then saw Navi heading towards something. She picked up a blue rupee, then carried it over to Link.

"Thanks, Navi!" he exclaimed as he took it.

He dropped it in his wallet, but then Saria walked over.

"Well, 15 minutes are up. How many rupees did you get?" she asked.

"I got 20, what about you?"

"I got 20 too!"

"Hey, that's enough to buy the shield, let's go!"

They raced to the store with their fairies following. They made it to the counter, and the boy looked at them. He quickly looked away, but Link and Saria dumped the rupees on the counter. The noise caught the boy's attention, and his eyes widened.

"Oh. You did it. Hey, um, nice job."

He climbed up and pulled the shield down and walked back. He set it aside, then counted the rupees. A frown formed, and he looked up.

"You're missing a rupee."

"What? But I got all of them!"

The boy shook his head in disappointment and was about to put the shield away when a blue rupee dropped. They looked up and saw Navi panting as she landed on the counter.

"Hey, where'd you find that?" Link asked.

The tired fairy pointed to the area hidden to their right. Four green rupees were suddenly handed back to Link, and the shield.

"Well, here you go," the boy said.

Link took the remaining rupees and the shield, then ran out of the shop. He put the shield on his back and put the rupees away, then looked around. Saria stopped next to him, but then Mido walked up to them.

"Hey, loser! Know why all the pots in the village are broken?" he asked.

Saria looked at Link questioningly, and he returned it with a sheepish grin. Mido growled, then stormed away.

"Mido, wait!" Saria called.

He ignored her, and she turned to Link.

"Sorry, but I should go talk to him. Good luck with finding a sword," she said.

She took off after Mido, leaving Link with Navi.

"Well? What are you waiting for? Let's go find that sword!" Navi exclaimed, then took off.

Link took off after her, following the young fairy away from the children.

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