~Is He Really the Bad Guy?~

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In Zora's Fountain, Link stopped in front of a whale. It watched him curiously as he and Navi looked for a way into his stomach. Link looked up to Navi for help, but she only shrugged.

"I see you're struggling to find a way in," a deep voice rose behind Link.

He jumped and turned to find Ganondorf standing behind him. He quickly pulled out his sword and shield, holding them in Ganondorf's direction.

"Please, I mean no harm Link."

Ganondorf held his hands to surrender, but Link didn't give in.

"What do you want from me?" Link asked.

"I came to help-"

"Why would you help us? You're the bad guy!"

Navi landed on Link's shoulder as his grip tightened on his sword. Ganondorf let out a sigh and closed his eyes.

"If I wanted to kill you, you'd be dead already. I told you, I mean no harm."

Link grit his teeth, spotting Navi from the corner of his eye. She studied Ganondorf warily, but made no move to warn Link of danger. Link eased up, but still held his sword in Ganondorf's direction. Navi took to the air before landing on Link's head.

"Link, I don't expect you to listen to me, but I've come to warn you. Princess Zelda it still waiting patiently for you, but danger is looming over the castle. I've advice Impa to take the Princess away, but neither have taken my word. Once you get the Spiritual Stone of Water, do not return to the castle. It will not be safe for you or the Princess."

Link glared at Ganondorf as he finished. Ganondorf sighed, before bowing slightly.

"I don't expect you to take my word. But if you wish to keep Hyrule safe, I beg you to stay away from the castle."

Ganondorf rose, then left the fountain. Link watched him go, keeping tense until he left his sight. Navi flew to where Ganondorf had stood, where a fish splashed in the water.

"Link, did he leave this fish? I didn't see him put it down. It could be from the lake, too. I just wonder where it came from."

Link broke from his thoughts as Navi shooed the fish in his direction. It splashed onto the stairs, in sight of Lord Jabu-Jabu. Link let out a sigh and knelt next to the fish with Navi.

"I don't trust him. Zelda said so herself, he's an evil man," Link said.

Navi landed on his head and peered down at the fish.

"But is he really so bad? He is trying to help us, what if he's good?"

Link shook his head before picking up the fish. He stood and turned to help it back in the water. Jabu-Jabu peered at Link before opening his mouth. Link stopped in confusion as Jabu-Jabu began to suck in.

Link looked up at Navi, but felt wind pulling at him. The fish flew from his hand into Jabu-Jabu's mouth before the wind lifted Link and Navi, then pulled them in.

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