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Light poured into Link's eyes as he awoke. While squinting his eyes, he sat up. An aching pain sat in his body, but it was nothing compared to last night.

"Oh, you're awake now!"

Link looked up to see Saria standing over him. She wore a small smile, her hands stained pink. Several cut bandages sat at her feet, many of them red.

Navi peeked over Saria's head, then flew to Link.

"Are you all right, Link?" the small fairy asked.

"I-I think so. Something hurts, though."

Saria nodded, cleaning the bandages.

"The Wolfos protecting the Sacred Forest Meadow put a great deal of damage on you. Navi went to get me, and I found you here, bleeding. I had some bandages with me and cleaned your wounds. We've been letting you rest, to regain your health."

Link listened quietly, staring at the grass in front of him. Instead of asking or speaking, he let out a sigh. He leaned back against the wall, fiddling with a loose string on his tunic.

"You probably should stay in your house and rest until you've healed more. Then we can head to get the next spiritual stone from the Gorons!" Navi suggested.

"Gorons? What are those?" Saria asked.

"They're creatures that live up in the mountain."

"That's so cool! I'd like to meet a Goron someday! You're so lucky Link!"

The two turned and looked at Link. He let out another sigh, then stood up. Saria and Navi frowned, but followed behind. They returned to the village and found the Kokiri starting their days. Many of them ran over to talk with Saria. As she was lost in the group, Link made his way to his home.

Navi followed, frowning the whole way. When they made it in, Link sat on his bed, then laid down. Navi rested on the head rest by his pillow. After several minutes of silence, Navi spoke up.

"Link, what's wrong?" she asked.

"I thought I would be happy to be back, but I'm not. It's great to see everyone and all, but I'm just not happy..."

Navi looked away, still frowning.

"Well, once you've healed, we can keep going. It should just be a few days, right!"

Link nodded slowly, still lost in thought. He stared up at the ceiling, blinking slowly.

"I don't know, Navi. I want to keep exploring Hyrule. There's still so much we haven't seen."

He pulled his map out, looking at its contents.

"Maybe we could explore a little, before we head to Death Mountain?" he asked.

"Probably... Oh! We could go to Lon Lon Ranch and check on Malon!"

"Yeah, let's do that! Once Saria says so, let's head to see if Malon and her dad made it back!"

Navi smiled as the light returned to Link's eyes. He put his map away before sitting up.

"But if we're going to be here for a few days, then what do we do?"

Navi rested on Link's shoulder.

"Maybe we could explore the Lost Woods? We still haven't seen much of the Sacred Forest Meadow. We could start there! But maybe after you've rested for a little?"

"Yeah, the sun is going down now, anyway. I'll join them for dinner, then head to bed."

Link stood up, heading out of his house. Navi lingered behind, then flew after him.

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