~The Deku Shield~

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Navi and Link sat by the water near the shop, watching petals float by.

"Hi, Link!"

The boy looked up and saw Saria walk up to him. She sat next to him, her fairy floating after her.

"Hey, Saria," Link replied glumly.

"What's wrong?" she asked.

"The Great Deku Tree said I need to find a sword and shield, then to go see him. But I don't know where to look!"

Saria thought for a second, then her eyes widened.

"I think I saw a shield in the shop! We could look there!"

Link nodded with approval, then followed Saria into the shop. They walked in and went up to the counter.

"Welcome, how may I help you?" the boy asked.

"I need a shield," Link replied.

The boy looked back at the shelves, then pulled a stool over to one. He climbed onto the stool, then looked into a box. He pulled out a shield, then jumped down and went back to the counter.

"This is a Deku Shield. It's made of wood, so if it touches fire it will burn."


Link started for the shield, but the boy pulled it away.

"You have to pay for it!" he exclaimed.

"Pay for it? Um, I don't have any rupees."

The boy sighed, then looked at Saria. She held up her hands in defeat. The boy shook his head, then put the shield back.

"How much is the shield?" Link asked.

"It's 40 rupees."

Link quickly ran out with Navi, Saria, and her fairy close behind. He went over to a bush which he started walking in.

"Link, what are you doing?" Saria asked.

"I think I saw rupees in this bush earlier! I'm gonna find them!"

He disappeared below the bush, then popped back up with a green rupee in hand. He let out a triumphant cry, then started for the shop.

"Where are you going?"

"To buy the shield!"

"Wait! Link! That's a green rupee! It's only worth one rupee!"

Link stopped, then looked down at the rupee.

"Are you kidding me!?"

He threw the rupee, and it landed in the water. Saria glared at Link, and he shrank under her gaze.

"I, uh, I'll go get it," he said.

He walked into the water, then dove to get the rupee. After a few tries, he came up with it, then climbed out of the water.

"Well, we have one. So we need 39 more."

Link groaned, then collapsed on the ground.

"Link?" Saria asked.

Navi floated down next to Link, then opened her mouth.

"Hey!" she said.

Link didn't respond.


He twitched, a sign that he was listening.


He twitched again, and Navi took in a deep breath.

"LOOK OUT!" she screamed.

Link took his hat off and put it over Navi, quieting her voice. He glared at his hat, then lifted it up. Navi quickly flew out and over to Saria, who laughed at them. She covered her smile when Link looked up at her. He stood up, then looked around. He turned back to the bush, then jumped in. Saria and the fairies watched until Link popped up with another green rupee.

"Alright! 38 more!" he exclaimed.

"Hey, I have an idea!" Saria started.

Link watched her expectantly as she whispered something to her fairy, who flew off to her house. She came back with a bag which Saria tied to her waist.

"Let's go hunt for rupees! We'll meet back at the shop in 15 minutes. Whoever has the most is the winner!"

Link nodded in excitement, then jumped out of the bush.

"On your marks, get set, go!" he yelled, then took off.

"Hey! Wait!" Navi called after him.

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