~From A Distant Future~

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"Say goodbye, Princess."

Mido rushed for Zelda, who let out a cry of fear. Her back pressed against the wall as fear gripped her heart. She turned her head as Mido raised his blade. But the pain never came.

Instead, metal clanged against metal, and Mido let out a cry of surprise. Zelda slowly turned her head, opening her eyes. In front of her stood a man, the Hylian Shield in one hand, the Master Sword in another.

Next to him stood a Princess, a bow of light in her hands. The two stood, ready to protect Zelda no matter what. Mido growled, his grip on his dagger tightening as he watched the two.

"Stop this, Mido. This is the last chance you'll get to change your way," the Princess said.

"No! You can't stop me!"

The Princess raised her bow, aiming for Mido. The man tightened his grip on the Master Sword as he got ready to rush forward. The Princess counted down quietly; her aim still on Mido.

Once she reached zero, she released the arrow which hit Mido in the heart. The man rushed forward, dodging Mido's weak attack. He knocked the boy back, sending him for the throne. Mido tripped over a step and looked up at the man with fear.

"I'm sorry, old friend," he whispered.

He plunged the Master Sword into Mido's stomach. The boy let out a gasp before falling limp. The Triforce of Power rose from his hand and slipped into the hand of the man. He looked down at his left hand as two of the three triangles glowed through his gauntlets. He turned to the Princess, who had knelt next to Link.

She held her hand over his chest, magic shining through her fingers. The light died down, and she turned to the man. They nodded before turning to Zelda. They smiled at her weakly, before fading through a portal.

Zelda took a shaky breath, before rushing to Ganondorf's side. The man was still alive, but barely. Zelda placed a hand over his heart and felt his weak pulse.

"Princess," he whispered.

Zelda looked at him, tears filling her eyes.

"I'm sorry, Ganondorf. I was wrong about you. I was wrong about everything."

Ganondorf let out a weak chuckle and closed his eyes.

"No, you were right, just not this time. There was a time... where I was evil, but I realized I was doing bad, and I changed. I just," Ganondorf coughed and Zelda took his hand, "I didn't think it would make someone else turn bad. I guess I should've stayed bad."

He chuckled again, then fell into a coughing fit. His hand tightened around Zelda's as she watched him. He let out a shaky sigh as he felt himself coming to an end.

"Princess... just do me a favor, will ya? Take care of the kid for me. I messed up in another life and owe it to him. If it hadn't been for him, I wouldn't have changed. I wouldn't have given myself another chance."

Zelda nodded, squeezing his hand.

"Your change of heart helped us, Ganondorf. I thank you for your help, for everything you've done for us."

Zelda's voice cracked as a tear slipped down her cheek.

"Don't worry, I'm sure you'll do fine on your own. As long as you have Link with you, I'm sure you'll be fine. In this life, and the next."

Ganondorf started coughing again, before he stilled. He exhaled one last time, his eyes straying towards the ceiling. More tears slipped down Zelda's cheeks as she closed Ganondorf's eyes.

Letting him rest, she stood and rushed to Link. He was still unconscious, but was breathing. Zelda let out a sigh of relief, then turned her attention to Navi. The fairy looked up at the princess, tears slipping down her cheeks.

"Is Link alright?" Zelda asked.

Navi nodded, sniffling. She rubbed her nose and sniffed again. Zelda leaned over Link, hugging him tightly. She let her tears flow as she and the fairy cried. Mido's fairy eventually joined them, resting next to Navi.

After many hours, Zelda sat up and wiped at her eyes. She looked down at the fairies with a weak smile.

"Let's move Link to somewhere more comfortable, so we can rest."

The fairies nodded, then took to the air as they helped Zelda move Link to a bed. Zelda curled up next to him, the fairies curling in Link's hat.

The exhaustion from the battle finally took hold and put the three to sleep instantly. They took their time and let themselves rest and heal.

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