~Lord Jabu-Jabu's Belly~

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Link sat up, holding his head. Navi flew over to him as she recovered from her fall. She landed on Link's shoulder before studying the room they were in. There was no sign of Princess Ruto, but bubble-like monsters infected the room.

"Navi, what are those bubbles?" Link asked.

"They're called Shabom. They'll hurt you if they touch you."

Link nodded, then got to his feet. He took the Shabom down before making his way to the next room. They went around a pit and went to the next room.

Weird jellyfish-like monsters floated about the room. Holes sat in the floor, leading to a room below. And right by a hole stood Princess Ruto herself. Link ran to her, and she folded her arms.

"Who are you?! What are you doing here?!" she asked.

"I-I'm Link, and this is Navi. Your dad sent us to save yo-"

"My father asked you to save me? I didn't ask for help!"

"But your letter-"

"What letter? I don't know what you're talking about!"

"Er, but your dad is worried about you!"

"I don't care! I can't go home yet, anyway. Just- Just get out of here, got it?!"

Ruto turned her nose in the air. She stepped right on a hole, which sucked her down. Link heard her scream as she fell to the floor below. Link jumped in after her with Navi right behind him. When he landed, Ruto jumped.

"What are you doing?! I said go away!"

"Ah- are you okay?" Link asked.

"I'm fine, I've been coming here since I was little. But, there were never any monsters around. Then I lost my stone..."

Ruto shook her head, a frown forming.

"But that's none of your business! A-Anyway, you! Go home!"


Ruto let out a groan when she realized Link wouldn't leave.

"You're that worried about me?"

Link nodded and Ruto sighed.

"Fine, you can have the honor of carrying me!"


Ruto jumped onto Link's shoulders. He lost his balance, knocking them both down. Ruto cried out when she hit the ground, before she started pouting.

"That's just rude! You're not supposed to drop a Princess!"

"I-I'm sorry..."

Ruto let out a 'hmph' and turned away. Link sighed, before lifting her to his shoulders. She clung to his head as Link and Navi looked around.

"Go through that door there."

Navi flew to the door Ruto pointed to, and the three moved to the next room. There was a gap between two platforms. In the gap were monsters and a button.

"That button will raise the water level. Just don't raise it while you're holding me," Ruto said.

Link nodded slowly before jumping down. He threw Ruto onto the other platform, then stepped on the button. The water level rose, and Link waited for it. Once he could reach, he climbed up.

Ruto stood, waiting for him, her hands on her hips. She frowned as Link stood, then he lifted her up. Link frowned up at Navi, who shrugged.

They found themselves in one of the previous rooms, but on a lower level. A floating platform descended before stopping. Link jumped onto it, then it lifted them up. They went back to the room with the holes, where Link stopped.

"That door, across the room," Ruto instructed.

Link made his way to the other door, going into a long hallway.

"Erm, which way do I go?" Link asked.

Navi flew left and came back right. She returned to Link, landing on Ruto's head.

"There are these weird slimy things blocking three of the doors. The far left and right have buttons, which I assume open them. But they need a weight on them to stay open."

They headed right, and Link placed Ruto on the button.

"You better not leave me here!" she complained.

"I'll come back!" Link promised.

He went into the room, where he found monsters waiting. He took them out, then a chest appeared in the middle of the room. Link opened it and found a boomerang inside. He smiled widely at his prize before showing it off to Navi. She returned the smile, then they left the room.

Link lifted Ruto to his shoulders again, then they made their way to the far left. Link placed Ruto down again, then entered the room. There, they found a tentacle.

"That narrow part of it is weak, Link! Hit it there with the boomerang!" Navi suggested.

Link nodded, taking out his boomerang. He aimed, then threw it at the weak spot. It hit, and the tentacle moved away, before coming closer. Link continued to hit it with the boomerang until he defeated it. It fell from the ceiling and dissolved.

They left the room and returned to Ruto. Link lifted her again and moved to the next room. They found two more tentacles, which they took out. With each tentacle gone, they opened another door.

After defeating all the tentacles, they returned to the room with the holes. They fell through one and came to a door. They went in, and Ruto began wiggling.

"There it is! My stone! Throw me onto the platform!"

Link did as he was told, and Ruto took the stone. She hugged it, before turning to Link with a wide smile.

"Thank you, Link. I finally got my mother's stone back! I don't need to be in here anymore, take me back home!"

Link let out a sigh, then started for the platform. Spikes protruded from the sides and the platform rose. Link pulled out his sword and shield as the platform came back with a monster. It jumped down and turned towards Link.

Navi pulled at the boomerang, which Link pulled out.

"Hit it with the boomerang first!" she said.

Link nodded, then did as he was told. It took several tries, but Link finally defeated the monster. He stepped onto the platform, and it took him up.

Link finally made it back to one of the previous rooms, with access to a different door. He went through before making it to the boss door. He looked up at Navi, and they both nodded. He opened the door, and they entered the room.

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