~Castle Break-In~

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Link ran over to the bridge before jumping down. He rolled across the ground before breaking into a sprint.

"Link, wait!" Navi called.

He skidded to a stop, looking up at his fairy.

"There are guards on duty, watch out for them!"


Link evaded the guards easily, before scaling up a wall. He made it to the top, then jumped down into the moat. He floated down before climbing out. Coming to a stop, he collapsed.

"Link! Are you all right!"

Link held his thumb up, calming Navi. She sighed in relief, checking their surroundings.

Right in front of them was a guy who'd laid down by milk boxes. Navi floated over to him, watching him sleep. She poked at his face, hoping he would wake up. But the guy just continued to sleep.

Navi flew back to Link, who had sat up.

"Hey, Link! I think that guy over there is Malon's dad!"

Link looked over, squinting his eyes.

"Yeah, it is!"

Link got to his feet and ran over to Malon's dad. He poked at his face, but the man continued to sleep.

"He sleeps heavier, than you do, Link!" Navi exclaimed.

Link glared at her, pouting as he did so. He quickly looked away, trying to figure out what to do.

"Well, didn't Malon say we'd need that egg? But it can't do anything if it's an egg."

"Maybe we have to wait for it to hatch! It could be a chicken, that can wake up her dad!"

Link nodded, grinning up at Navi.

"Yeah! That would work. But how do we get into the Castle, then?"

"Look, over there!"

Navi pointed to where water fell in a small waterfall.

"We might find the Princess if we go through there. You could push these boxes to pile them up, then jump across!"

"Great idea, Navi! I have such a great fairy! You know what? You're the best fairy, ever!"

Navi rolled her eyes, turning away from the boy.

"I'm your only fairy, idiot."

Link pouted again, before moving to a box. He moved them by where Malon's dad rested. By the time he had finished, it was nighttime. Link let out a breath, collapsing by a box.

"Geez, that's hard work. Navi, why didn't you help?"

"I'm too small! I can't do anything!"

Link huffed, pulling out the egg. It wiggled slightly in his hands. He held it close to his chest before wrapping it in his hat.

"Maybe- Maybe we can meet the Princess tomorrow. That would be nice, wouldn't it, Navi?"

Link let out a yawn, then laid on his side. Navi rested in his hair, sighing.

"I guess? Today was a long day though, huh? We'll just keep going tomorrow."

Navi nestled in Link's hair, before falling asleep.

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