~Welcome to Lon Lon Ranch!~

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Link stepped into the grounds of Lon Lon Ranch. Navi floated ahead, looking around the new area. They turned the corner and found the gate and a couple buildings. Link stopped to stare in awe at the buildings. Without a second thought, he stepped into the building to his left.

Once in, he faced a crowd of Cuccos. He jumped as one pecked at his boot, then moved away. In the midst of the crowd sat Talon, sleeping on a Cucco. It clucked as Link walked to the man. It jumped away, waking up Talon.

"I'm up, I'm up!" he cried.

He jumped when he noticed Link, but quickly calmed down.

"Hey, you're the boy from the Castle! I gotta thank you for that. I found Malon back at the farm, and oh boy, it took time, but I got my girl back in a good mood," Talon chuckled, "But welcome to the ranch, boy. Malon is out with the horses, probably singing to them. I'm sure you didn't come to see this old man."

Link chuckled nervously, then turned and left. As he stepped outside, horses whinnied beyond the gate. He turned and ran with Navi on his tail.

Just past the gate was an arena where horses were gathered. Standing in the middle was Malon. She was singing to a small horse who nudged her. She giggled, but still sang.

Link made his way over to Malon and the horse where he stopped. Malon turned to look at him, a smile growing on her face.

"Hey, you're the fairy boy from the Castle! Dad told me you found him when you were on your way in. Did you get to see the Princess? What was it like in the Castle? Did you run into any guards!"

Link chuckled nervously as Malon pounded him with questions. She paused when she noticed him backing slightly, then giggled.

"Sorry about that, I just really want to know what the Castle is like! I've never been inside, you know? It looks so amazing!"

She sighed, her eyes sparkling as she fantasized about herself in the Castle. She shook her head, snapping out of it.

"Oh yeah! I need to introduce you to my friend. This horse here is Epona. She's one of my friends here on the ranch. Isn't she a cutie?"

Link reached out to pet Epona, but she whinnied and took off. Link frowned, watching her go.

"H-Hey, Epona! Come back!" he called.

Malon giggled at him as Epona stayed away. She stepped up to Link, placing a hand on his shoulder.

"It looks like she's scared of you, fairy boy! Oh! I know, my mom made this song when I was little. Epona loves it! Play with me!"

Malon hummed, waiting for Link. He pulled out his ocarina, and Malon's face lit up.

"Your ocarina is cute! I'll teach you the song!"

Malon sang the notes, her voice filling the area. Epona moved closer, but only slightly. Link repeated the notes to Malon, who sang with him. With that, Epona came back and began nuzzling Link. He laughed, then pet the horse's nose. She whinnied, rubbing her head against him.

"Look at that! She likes you now!" Malon exclaimed.

She reached out and pet Epona's neck, then started singing again. Link spent the rest of the day with Epona and Malon.

As the sun began to set, Talon called Malon and Link in for dinner. On their way in, Link saw a guy he'd never met before.

"Who's he?" he asked.

"Oh, he's Ingo! He helps dad on the farm, well, he does all the work for us, hehe. I'm not big enough to help do any farm work, and Dad sleeps a lot, so Ingo does all the work. I do what I can, but it's not much."

"What's he doing now?"

"He rounding the horses to put them in their paddocks. The cows are already in, so he just needs to get the horses in. Epona puts up a bit of a fight, but as long as she's with her mama, she should be good."

The two walked into the house and up the stairs. There, Talon sat at a table with four plates set out. Malon eagerly took a seat next to her dad, with Link next to her. She scooped a large spoonful of greens onto her and Links plate before digging in.

The two ate happily until their bellies were full. Malon let out a yawn as Ingo stepped into the room. He sat with a humph and angrily ate his food. Talon ruffled Malon's hair before heading back downstairs. Ingo finished eating, then returned to the stable.

Malon climbed into her bed, snuggling into her blanket and pillow. Link blew out the candle, then tucked Malon's blanket around her. He left the room to find Talon asleep on the floor. Ingo laid on the other side of the room, his back turned to them all.

Navi landed on Link's shoulder with a yawn.

"Why don't we stay here the night? We can head for Kakariko in the morning after resting up."

Link nodded sleepily, before curling up in a corner. There, he and Navi fell asleep to the sound of Talon's snores.

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