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Children skipped around the newly built Castletown. Soldier's kept watch at the gates, keeping eyes out for suspicious activity. Princess Zelda looked up from her book as she stepped into a hall.

Peering out the window, she could see Link training some newer knights to become better. After a few minutes he looked up and gave her a cheeky grin. She smiled, then turned away and continued to the garden.

After all these years, it was still her favorite spot to spend the day. She didn't have a lot of work yet, but she soon would. Her coronation was coming soon, and she was expected to be one of the best Queens yet. Although, this didn't bother her. Instead, she took her duties with grace and pride.

Before stepping into the garden, she passed an altar where servants and others left flowers. Standing atop the altar was a painting of the King of the Gerudo, the man who had saved many people's lives.

Zelda settled herself under a tree in the garden and she opened the book. It wasn't until pages later that she heard a rustle.

"Shouldn't you be training the new recruits?" she asked.

Link popped out of the tree with a large smile.

"They finished. They're getting better faster than I can plan."

Zelda smiled and placed a bookmark between the pages she was on. She closed the book and looked up at Link, who was watching her.

"I miss him, you know? I wasn't the best person to him, but he saved my life so much."

Zelda nodded and looked over at the altar. She saw a few servants placing flowers at the bottom of the frame. She frowned slightly and let out a sigh.

"Well, when do you think we should save our past selves?" she asked.

"Depends, you said we looked about how old we are now, right?"

"Yes, I'm not sure of the exact age, but that's what it appeared to be."

Link nodded, then chuckled.

"Who knew we'd be planning to save ourselves in the future? We'll get to see how things were back then again."

"Of course, but we can't change too much, remember? As much as I'd like to, I'm not sure we could save Mido or Ganondorf."

Link frowned and climbed down.

"Maybe in another life?"


They sat in silence for several more minutes, before Link spoke up.

"Hey, don't you have records for how things could've changed?"

"Yes, why do you ask?"

"I guess I want to know what Ganondorf was like before his change. It's intriguing to think that he was evil once, when really, he's a kind soul."

"Well, we can go look for the records after we save ourselves. I believe I know where they are."

Link nodded, then got to his feet. He helped Zelda up, and she opened a portal. The bow of light appeared in her hands, and she looked at Link. They nodded before stepping into the portal. Zelda took one last look at her garden, a small smile gracing her lips.

"Thank you for this, Ganondorf. I thank you for a change of heart, and all you've done. And now, we have the opportunity, to save our future."

They stepped through the portal and Zelda's eyes landed on Ganondorf. She softened as his torn state, but turned to Mido. She looked at Link, and they nodded again, before going into battle.

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