~Princess Zelda~

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Link walked into the small clearing, feeling at ease. He smiled up at the girl watching something inside. He walked forward, not wanting to disturb the peace.

He stepped up behind the girl, opening his mouth to speak. He paused, sudden nerves holding him back. Navi rolled her eyes, then poked the young girl's back. She gasped in shock, then turned to face the nervous Link.

He yelped as she turned to face him, fear shining in both of their eyes.

"Who are you?! How did you pass the guards?!" the girl asked, her voice shaking.

Link opened his mouth to speak, but no noise came out. The girl's eyes studied him warily, before widening in surprise.

"What's that? Hey, you have a fairy! Does that mean you're from the forest?"

Link nodded just as the girl started again.

"So you have the Spiritual Stone of the Forest, don't you! The Kokiri's Emerald!"

"Yeah, I have it..."

The girl clapped in glee, letting out a joyful giggle.

"I knew it! I had a dream, and you were in it! Well, at least I think so. Hyrule looked like such a dark place, with lots of monsters. But then a bright light came from the forest, bringing back the peace and happiness! The light turned into a boy with a fairy, with a shiny emerald in his grasp. I just knew that someone would come from the forest!"

She paused, before gasping.

"Oh, I'm so sorry! I got a little carried away there, I didn't introduce myself! My name is Zelda, I am the Princess of Hyrule."

"Whoa, you're the Princess?!" Link exclaimed.

Navi hit his head, ashamed of his disrespect towards the girl. Zelda giggled at this, before clearing her throat. She frowned, tilting her head to the side.

"May I ask, what's your name?"

"I- I'm Link. And this is my fairy, Navi."

Zelda paused, frowning.

"Link... Navi... those names are so familiar... Okay, Link! Let me tell you about the biggest secret passed down by the royal family. The story of the Sacred Realm. But before I tell you, promise to keep this a secret! From everybody!"

Link nodded, his eyes wide. Navi nodded too, although no one noticed the small movement.

"Let me begin... The three goddesses, Din, Nayru, and Farore hid the Triforce somewhere within Hyrule. The triforce is the god's ancient power. It holds the power to grant any wish by the one who wields it.

"The fate of the world changes based on the person who makes the wish. If someone with a good heart makes a wish, then the land is full of peace and prosperity. But if someone with a bad heart makes a wish, the land will be consumed with evil.

"Because of this, the ancient Sages built the Temple of Time to hold the sacred power safe from evil ones. The Temple of Time holds the entrance to the Sacred Realm. But for the safety of the world, it is sealed by the Door of Time. The only way to open the door is to collect the three spiritual stones. You also need the Royal Family's treasure. The Ocarina of Time!"

Zelda paused to catch her breath, before closing her eyes. She opened them, a new determination glowing.

"Did you understand all of that?" she asked.

"Yeah, but just in case, could you repeat it all again?" Link mumbled.

Navi pinched Link.

"Don't make her repeat all of that! I'll tell you again later!"

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