~The Spiritual Stone of Water~

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One boss fight later, Link and Princess Ruto returned to Zora's Fountain. Ruto shocked Link, and he fell back in the water. She jumped down with him, stopping just feet from him.

"You looked cool... er, cooler than I thought you could be- but only a little! But anyway, you saved me, so I should give you something in return. What do you want?" she asked.

"Uh, well, I need the Spiritual Stone-"

Ruto burst into giggles as she laughed at Link.

"You mean the Zora's Sapphire, don't you? Mother gave it to me and said I should give it to the man who will be my husband, like an engagement ring! Hehe..."

Link grew nervous at her giggle, but she pulled out the Spiritual Stone, anyway.

"Here, take it."

Link took the stone from her, admiring its beauty. Navi looked at it from his head, and he pocketed it.

"Just don't tell Father what happened, please?"

Ruto giggled again, then swam back for the domain. Link climbed out of the water with Navi at his side.

"Now we need to take these to Zelda!"

"Link, wait!"

He paused and looked at Navi.

"What if we should listen to Ganondorf? He seemed serious, and he was telling the truth!"

Link shook his head and turned away.

"Ganondorf is an evil man, I can't trust him. Princes Zelda needs the stones, and I promised I'd get them to her. So that's what I will do."

Navi frowned, but followed Link anyway. They made their way back to Hyrule Field and started for the castle.

Along the way, Stalchildren rose from the ground. Link stepped onto the path, but they didn't go away. He started into a sprint, Navi following closely behind.

"Navi, what's going on?" Link asked.

"I don't know." she replied.

They made their way to the gate which was destroyed.


Link looked around, then headed in. Inside the Castletown, fires raged from the roofs of buildings. Link grew worried, then headed for the castle. A line of soldiers lay dead along the path, the gate blown down.

Link broke into a full run for the castle. Navi flew ahead but stopped at the entrance to a large hall. Link skidded to a stop and gasped at the sight. Zelda cowered behind Ganondorf, who held a sword toward a figure.

His breath caught when he recognized the figure in front of him. His fairy cowered in fear, looking at Navi and Link for help. Link opened his mouth to speak, but couldn't think of what to say.

The figure turned and looked at Link, an evil grin on his face.

"Welcome, Link!"

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