~Zora's River~

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Link walked up to a set of rocks blocking the path. He closed his eyes, taking in the fresh smell of the river. Navi landed on his shoulder, eyeing the owl above them. Link opened his eyes, frowning once he spotted the owl.

"Look at you, you've gotten stronger, Link!" he exclaimed, "If you follow the river, you'll find yourself in Zora's Domain. The waterfall protects the domain and will only open by a messenger of the royal family."

Before Link could respond, the owl took off. They watched him go, then looked back at the rocks.

"Should I blow them up?" Link asked.

"You could try, I'm sure it'll work."

Link nodded, then pulled out a bomb. He set it in front of the rocks before lighting it. He backed away with Navi, letting the bomb explode. They continued forward.

A short path had been worn into the grass, leading across the water to ground. Link jumped across and continued jumping over the water until it made it to the waterfall. Stepping on a stone, Link turned his attention to the inscription.

"Hey Navi, you said this was the crest of the Royal Family, right?" he asked.

Navi looked down at the inscription of the triforce and nodded.

"This is it. Play Zelda's Lullaby, Link."

He nodded, then pulled out his ocarina. He played the short tune, then the water split and revealed an entrance. Link jumped to the stone and headed in.

Inside, they found another waterfall. Down in the water, several Zora floated, chatting amongst themselves. Link turned to Navi, who flew ahead. They followed a path leading up to the throne room, where a large Zora sat.

"Who are you?" he asked.

"I'm Link, and this is Navi. Princess Zelda sent me to get the Spiritual Stone of Water, and I heard that it was here with the Zora's. Do you have it?" Link asked.

The Zora shook his head before letting out a quiet sigh.

"I am King Zora. I had the Zora's Sapphire, but I gave it to my daughter, Princess Ruto. But she's gone missing, and no one can find her. I'm so worried about her. Could you help look for her?"

"I can try!"

"Thank you, Link."

Link nodded, then turned and ran out. He stopped at the bottom stair before looking up at Navi.

"Where should we look first?" he asked.

"I saw a path leading out behind King Zora, but we don't have access right now. I also saw a hole in the water, I'll show you!"

Link followed Navi to the water. He jumped in, and Navi pointed to the hole.

"Down there, let's check out what's on the other side."

Link nodded, then he and Navi dove in the water. They swam through the hole and came out in an unfamiliar place. A Zora floated in the water in front of them, watching them curiously.

"Uh, what is this place?" Link asked.

The Zora raised an eyebrow, but answered anyway.

"This is Lake Hylia, why do you ask?"

Link shrugged, looking around. He noticed a bottle in the water and swam over to it.

"Hey, what's this bottle doing here?" he asked.

"Things like that always travel down the river from our domain."


Navi opened her mouth to speak, but Link dove. When he surfaced, he lifted the bottle for Navi to see.

"Look, there's a paper inside! Let's see what it says!"

Navi and Link made their way to solid ground, where they opened the bottle. Link pulled the paper out and unrolled it. He read it over, frowning as he did so.

"This says it's from Princess Ruto, we should take it back to King Zora," Navi said.

Link stuck the paper back in the bottle, then jumped back in the water. He dove and went into the hole again. He exited into Zora's Domain again and headed straight for King Zora.

When they reached the throne room, Link held up the paper.

"King Zora! I found a letter from Princess Ruto!"

The King's eyes widened as he took the letter, reading it over.

"She's in Lord Jabu-Jabu? But that's not possible! He would never eat my dear Ruto! Link, you must help me. I don't know why Lord Jabu-Jabu would eat my daughter, but you must save her! Pass through here, you'll be right at the altar of Lord Jabu-Jabu. Keep the bottle this letter was in and go save my daughter!"

King Zora moved aside, revealing the exit. Link and Navi headed up, then left the domain.

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