Chapter 15- Fixed

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I felt myself jolt awake from my nap, I sit up straight confused as I swore I heard a loud crash. I held my breath being as silent as possible to see if I could hear anything else.
'Is it masky?'

An uneasy feeling struck within me and I immediately stood up and made my way through the corridor to the top of the stairs. I tried to listen further and I could hear two pairs of footsteps making their way around downstairs.
'Is EJ still here too?'

"What the hell is going on?" I hear Masky ask behind me causing me to jump, turning to him quickly.

"Wait. So the loud noise wasn't from you?" I ask him worriedly

"Does it look like it? I thought it was your dumbass." He stated bluntly, he pulled his phone out of his pocket, did a few taps and pressed it to his ear
"Hey. Hoodie." He spoke in a whisper "What? You guys aren't back yet? Shit- look just finish up and get back asap" he quickly switched off his phone and tucked it away

"What? is it not them?" I ask him panicked

"Calm down" he ordered sternly "Looks like we have intruders"

"You have your pistol don't you?" An intruder murmured as he appeared near the bottom of the stair case. A gloved hand tightly gripped my shoulder and guided me down into a crouching position, I look beside me to see Masky kneeling beside me, his grip on me is steady as he used his free hand to put a finger up to his mask signalling for me to stay quiet.

"Of course I fucking I do. I'm never unprepared" another intruder answered, they moved on "are you sure this place looks abandoned? It looks like shit from the outside but it looks well kept in here"

"I'm fucking sure! we'll go upstairs when we've finished searching down here"

Once they were away from the staircase I felt a slight tug from masky, he was standing up and he gently pulled me up with him to avoid making noise.

He led me quietly into his bedroom where I manage to let out a small nervous exhale.
"Go into my bathroom and lock the door behind you"

"Are you going to kill them?" I ask as my nerves wracked my body.

"I can't. I'll likely go into a frenzy and if that happens I could kill you which kind of defeats the purpose of me going through this trouble in the first place" he glanced towards his door trying to pinpoint their location from their footsteps.

"You can't just fight them? Knock them out?"
I suggest with desperation.

"No. There's two of them with guns" he looked back to me. " but I can't guarantee that I won't kill them if things get heated...and once again" he gestured to me silently before trying to listen again.
I was the reason he couldn't protect us the way he needs to.

"But gunshots don't bother you guys that much?" I refer to Jacks wound

"Not if they're to the head!" he retaliated quietly but he was getting frustrated.

"But what about jack? Can't he help?!"

"He's not here!" He snapped due to my continuous questioning but he immediately lowered his voice "he left after I fixed him up"

"So what do we do?"

"You'll do what I've already told you. Go into my bathroom and lock the door" he ushered me to the room.

"You're not coming in with me?" I ask frantically as he shoved me inside.

"No, if they find you somehow then I need to be able to get the jump on them, but that should be last case scenario. Don't make a sound" he quietly shut the door and I could hear his already light footsteps grow distant...he's going into somebody else's bedroom...that means I'm alone for good.

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