Chapter 6- Fixed

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My eyes slowly dragged themselves open to the sun glowing gently through the window, I sat up rubbing my eyes trying to get rid of the sleep.
I look around realising I was back in Lius room, before I could question how I got here he walked into the room

"How are you feeling?" He asked as he sat on the edge of the bed wrapping his signature scarf around him

"I couldn't really sleep well..." I scratched the back of my head.

"I know, it's already 1pm" he smiled

"I need longer..." I grumble

"How much longer?" He couldn't help but show a small smile.

"Until it's dark"

"Get up" he sighed with a small chuckle pulling the covers off of me. "Are you ready to meet them?"

"Oh shit" I mumble sitting up as I swept my hair out of my face. "I remember speaking to Jeff last night.

"Yeah as well as taking pills from him" he mentioned "I know you've liked living on the edge a little but these guys are different, until trust has been established then I don't think you should take anything else from them"

"You don't trust your brother?" I question as I get up and change my shirt.

He briefly exhaled "no not yet" he stood up adjusting his coat as I changed my trousers.

"Well he was an asshole at first but we shared some drinks"

"Really?" He seemed surprised "well I wouldn't get used to it...I'm going to give you a little introduction before we meet them, you need to listen and listen carefully, it's important"

"Why?" I slide on my jacket and zip it up.

"We're not normal...I'm telling you now. We don't act normal. We don't look normal. We are not normal." He told me sternly

"But you're normal" I replied confused

"I may look normal compared to them but our minds are nearly the same... you just haven't seen it yet. it's important that you know who they are and what they're like, they can be dangerous"

"Dangerous? Yeah they cover their faces and break into homes with weapons I've already figured that out" I sit back down on the bed "so why have me stay here in the first place?"

"The more dangerous a person is, the better they are at protecting. They're our best shot and we need them to like you.  If you don't play this right you could severely piss them off, they don't do well with 'normal' people."

"I don't think I'm that normal" I chuckle

"Sally I'm serious" he spoke softly as he sat next to me. "They're outsiders...there's a reason we're together, our looks, our behaviour, everything is what society would consider...abnormal. Insane. Dangerous."

"From my experience I can see that..."

Liu looked down for a moment then back at me. "Okay Sally, let's start"

"First. We have Jeff." Liu stood up, walking over to his desk and leaned back against it, causing me to turn my upper body to face him

" Liu stood up, walking over to his desk and leaned back against it, causing me to turn my upper body to face him

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