Chapter 9- Fixed

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"Finally" I sigh as I opened the door to Liu's room and hurry inside.
I immediately felt my anxiety and stress flood from my body feeling safe in his room once more.

I took off my shoes and sat comfortably on the bed
'If that went well I don't want to know how it'd be if it went bad...that Masky guy is so weird...why does he have to get so confrontational...'

Before I could ponder further the door violently slammed open to reveal Masky standing in the door way, his face was covered but he wasn't hiding his anger.

My mind went into alert as he stomped up to me, before I could even react he viciously grabbed me and shoved me against the wall next to the door, he held me by my hoodie constricting my neck.
"Mas-" I cut myself off trying to gasp for air.

"Do you think you could talk back to me the way you did back there?!" He gritted "it may work with dumbasses on the streets but that ain't gonna fly here! why should I have to waste my time protecting your ass when I could just kill you and end it all here?!"

"Did I really hurt your feelings that easily?!" I mock just wanting to piss him off further at this point.
He cut me off further by holding me up tighter, my hands latched onto his wrists trying to ease the pressure.

My throat was burning and my head was throbbing in pain as my vision started to blur.

"Shut it!" He gripped a crowbar holding it up to my chin "I may not be able to kill you but I can still make you fucking scream."

In my peripherals a figure appeared next to me  as a grey hand suddenly gripped maskys wrist tightly.
Maskys grip started to loosen and Ej pulled Masky away from me.
I to fall to the floor with a thud, coughing and wheezing.

"Toby needs your help with something" Ej demanded in his stoic tone as masky pulled his arm out of his grip, he then looked towards me "... he needs both of us"

My throat was dry and rough, i couldn't bring myself to even speak as nausea overwhelmed me.

"Fine." Masky went to leave but as he reached the doorway his head turned towards me. I felt his stare burning into me through his mask.
"Go." EJ warned. He didn't bother to say anything else as he left.

"Did I really do something wrong to piss him off?" I ask him weakly, my voice sounded like gravel from being choked.

"Yes." He walked to the doorway "just your mere presence here is enough to piss any of us off, you aren't welcome here."
With that he was gone just as quick as he appeared. 

'What the hell is wrong with these people?!'

I pushed myself up with all of the remaining strength I had left and sat on the bed once more, I pulled out my phone and called Liu

After a few rings it went to voice mail...

I start to debate if I should try calling him again, but I didn't want to cause any complications ... should I tell him what happened or just leave it? But if that's his version of 'not harming' me, then I need to have a serious talk with him.

A few hours had passed and I decided to stay in Liu's room until he returned, it was already turning dark outside but he should be home any time now.
I decided to rest properly in bed, I sat up leaning against the head board whilst the big blanket kept me warm. I played games on my phone to ease my worries but after a few minutes my game froze as the screen started to glitch out...

"What the hell is going on?" I asked myself.

A text suddenly appeared on the screen

'You've met with a terrible fate, haven't you?'

Suddenly a shadowy figure appeared on the screen.

"What the fuck?!" I yell in shock as I threw my phone at the bottom of the bed, the screen landed face up and an arm reached out of the device.
I froze in horror as a figure continued to climb out of the screen. How was it even possible?! Am I having a nightmare?!
It turned to face me and it was Ben. I let out a scream of horror of what you just saw as I backed up against the headboard as much as I could.

"Sorry, I didn't mean to scare you" he smiled as he stayed sitting on the bottom of the bed, his smile and tone of voice felt unsettling.

"How did you?" I stuttered "How is that even possible?!"

"You don't need to know" he didn't bother to hide his smirk "but" he looked at me, his eyes pierced through mine as he started to crawl towards me "you're really cute, Liu should've introduced me sooner~"

"Get the fuck away you creep!" I kicked him in the face and heard a crack from his nose.

"What the fuck?!" He groaned in pain as blood trickled from his nose and his eyes painfully watered. "I was just kidding!"

Suddenly he was pulled from the bed by Liu who stood by the bed holding Ben by his collar, Liu was glaring at him and the look of pain I saw was immediately replaced by a smug grin.

"Get out!" Liu gritted

"Chill man I was just checking out the new toy"

"She's not a toy!" he threatened "if I see you hurt her in anyway I'll kill you"

"All right all right I get it!" he raised his hands in defence, Liu let go as Ben walked out of the room "it's pretty clear you're Jeff's brother. You're both just as psychotic as each other!"
Ben slammed the door shut and Liu was about to go after him until I pulled him back to me

"Don't go" I plead "I can't stand to be alone any longer"

"Okay" he sighed "are you hurt?"

"I talked back to masky because he was giving me trouble. He attacked me and my throat feels fucked up. Not to mention that guy just crawled out of my fucking phone!"

"It's okay Sally. Im sorry I should've said something I just didn't know how to explain it, but it's going to be okay i promise" he sat down next me, placing his hand reassuringly over mine.

My eyes couldn't help but ponder and I notice his knuckles were scraped and bruised.
"What happened?" I asked him wanting to distract myself rather than admit to whatever paranormal shit I just saw.

"What do you mean?" He questioned confused.

"You're knuckles" i mention with a frown.

"Oh, I got into a fight with Masky when i ran into him outside because of what he did to you"

"How do you know about what he did to me?"

"We have phones you know" he smiled "Ej told me what happened"

"Right of course, I forgot since you never answer me"

'How long will I have to stay here before one of us gets seriously hurt?'

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