Chapter 11- Fixed

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"I can't believe after everything that's going on you're still making me go to college" I turn to Liu with an unhappy frown as I stood outside of the college gates, busy students passing us by.

"It'll be good for you to be outside instead of being cooped in the house with them don't you think?" He folded his arms "besides not all of us can be at home so you staying here is safer for when we're not there"

"Are you not coming with me?" I ask him

"No, I left already, I'm not repeating college a second time, I need to be with the others"

"Wait, you've already gone before?!" I ask him offended "and you never told me?!"

"Go on Sally! In you go" he started to push me towards the gates.

"Wait! What about Gibbs?" I whispered to him nervous

"He can't do anything during lesson hours" he tried to assure me

"And if he keeps me behind after?"

"Just to be safe about the whole situation I've already decided with the guys that one of us will be here to pick you up after your lessons, I'll be escorting you in the morning of course"

"They won't like that" I mumble picturing their reaction

"They're okay with it. Go on now" he smiled "you can't be late"

"I hate you" I call out as I walked away


I continue to make my way through the corridors of the building, passing teachers and students trying to get where they need to be.
I needed to get to my locker before my next lesson but I see Ryan and his goons messing with a new student.
He pushed the student with a harsh force against the locker and he grunted in pain.
"Do these mean a lot to you?" Ryan laughed holding up some drawings

"Don't!" The boy pleaded "I've worked hard on those! And they're private!"

"Then come get them" Ryan gritted "defend yourself! Do something!"

I look around with a sigh as no member of staff was in sight.
Compared to the adults I've had conflict with and the guys back at the cabin this guy was nothing.

"Ryan" I interrupt with my arms folded "can you leave him alone?"

"What? Why? I'm just trying to teach him how to defend himself"

"No you're teaching him how much of an asshole you are" I retort "besides you need to move"

"Why is that freak?" He grinned

"You're on my locker" you glare at him but my facial expression remained blank sending him mixed signals

"This ain't your locker" he shook his head denying my claim

"Yeah. Number 256. That's mine. Move." I demanded

"What will you do if we don't move?" He look to his friends to see their reactions as they laughed with each other

"Unless you want to be humiliated in front of the newbie I suggest you save him for another day that's not on my locker"

"You don't take that tone with me-"

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