Chapter 16- Fixed

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"Is this everything?" Liu asked as he zipped up the bag

"Yeah" I muttered, he couldn't help but give me a look of sympathy making me look away.

"I'll wait for you downstairs. Come down when you're ready" he left the room carrying my bag with him.

I sat on Liu's bed staring at the floor below me, I couldn't help but see the images of those dead men in my head

"Sally" I look up to see hoodie standing in the doorway. "Are you leaving?" He asked

"I guess...I tried my best but I can't do this"

"Really?" He stuffed his hands in his hoody pocket as he leaned against the doorframe "I thought your were more strong minded than that, do you want my honest opinion about this?"

"Go for it" I shrug

"You should stay. In fact it's quite selfish of you to leave at a time like this"

"Are you serious?" I look up surprised

"You never thanked Masky for what he did for you" he stated bluntly

"Masky tried to attack me and he's threatened me many times" I tell him feeling my patience slip away

"And yet he still saved your life...from what we saw when we got here"

"Snapped? Masky snapped?"

"Follow." he demanded

Feeling like I didn't have a choice I got up and followed hoodie downstairs, he was checking to see if Liu was around and he led me to a door that was in the staircase.
"Go" he spoke up "it's only the basement"

"Yeah only a basement" I mock looking at him suspiciously, he didn't seem threatening but he was stern. "Fine"

I opened the door and walked down the stone cobble stairs. I took in the appearance of the cold cracked stone wall and I eventually reached the bottom.
It was a big square stone basement but what I saw made me freeze.

"It's because he killed those two men when it wasn't his time" hoodie spoke up behind me making turn to him but I couldn't help but keep most of my gaze focused on masky.

He was on his knees.
His wrists were in tight cuffs that were connected to chains which are linked into the stone wall behind him.
He was chained to a wall.
He didn't have his jacket on, just his white shirt, jeans and boots. He was sweating and breathing heavily which was muffled through his mask, it sounded as though he was in pain.

"Why are you doing this? He's suffering!" I tell him frantically walking closer to him, hoodie followed close behind me.

"You're right he is suffering" hoodie spoke bluntly "this is what happens when we kill when we aren't meant to...but yet he managed to resist killing you and carry you away when you were passed was hard for him...he was about to go back and finish you off, fortunately for you I got back in time, since masky's call to me was concerning...I had no choice but to chain him down here until his frenzy wears off. I almost didn't succeed.

"That's horrible" I muttered, Masky looked up at me noticing both of mine and hoodie's presence and he pushed himself up standing straight.

"You" he growled shakily as I could feel his eyes pierce through his mask into me. He went to charge towards me but the chains yanked at his wrists holding him back bringing him to his knees again, he let out a groan in pain and I stumble backwards into hoodie making him place his hands on my shoulders.

"You have to let him go. You can't do this to him he's in pain" I panicked for him.
'Why do I even care?'

"Sure. If you're okay with him killing you, the rest of us and possibly half of the town ...if he brings attention to himself the boss will kill him for exposing us...if there will be any of us left anyway... it's dangerous"

"Shit i remember being told that..." I couldn't take my eyes off Masky as he continued to suffer with his urges, grunting to himself as he hunched over in pain.

"We hated each other at first...we resented each other..." hoodie began as masky's suffering could still be heard along with the clashing of the chains. "We'd be at each other's throats every chance we got. But we learned to get along since we knew each other before all of this... I'd consider him my brother now. You could do the same...consider us close too if you stay and help us..."

"I didn't know it'd be this bad"

"He's in pain right now because he saved your life. He's completely lost it and you're going to leave without even saying a thank you"

I could see him feeling bothered by seeing his friend this way, I didn't blame him, it was a distressing sight to see.

"It's just hard to try and get along when you're all against me in the first place"

"That's true, i admit. However, unlike us you have a conscience" hoodies grip on my shoulders tightened as he leant down whispering bluntly into my ear.

"After seeing this..."

Masky continued to pull on his chains causing loud metallic bangs to echo through the basement "do you really think you can leave? He's suffering to save your life, he'd do it again and so would we and now you're willing to risk it again with Jane...we agreed to protect you but not from stupid or selfish decisions you try to make...that'll be your own fault"

His grip loosened as he stood up straight
"I'm not forcing you to stay" he assured me, he sounded a little more relaxed now that he told me what he wanted to say "leave if you want. It doesn't affect me. I just thought you should know what we put on the line when we agree to protect you...if you're the good girl we assume you are..."

"I'm not a good girl I'm not anything, I'm just trying to survive"

"then I trust you can make the right choice...right now he's putting up with the most unbearable pain in his chest and a constant need to rip somebody's throat out...the least you can do is put up with a bit of bullying until we're used to having you here with us"

"Hoodie I-"

"Remember. Your life isn't the only one being turned upside down by this mess"

Before I could continue he left going up the stairs with his hands tucked in his pockets, his boots against the concrete echoed as he didn't look back at me or Masky
"Hoodie" I call out to him but he didn't bother to respond as he disappeared from sight.

The door slammed shut.

"Shit..." I mutter feeling guilty and conflicted.
I decide to look back at Masky since he was no longer making any noise or pulling on the chains, he was just knelt there completely still. His slightly damp hair hung over his mask
'After all of the abuse he's given me...why do I feel awful seeing him like this? it terrifies me but it makes me want to break him out and help him...but this isn't a fan fiction...I'd die the second he'd get his hands on me...all he sees now is red...and it's my fault'

"Sally! You shouldn't be down here" Liu called as he quickly made his way down the stairs. I glance at him as he looked towards Masky, he was exhausted.
"Who brought you down here?" He asked concerned and somewhat angry.

"It doesn't matter" I answer him looking back at Masky "but I think I need to stay a little longer"

"What? Are you sure?" He asked as he led me back upstairs.

"My life isn't the only one affected by this mess. You guys, my family, etcetera" I sigh as Liu shut and locked the basement door.
'Hoodie's left me with a guilty conscience, I don't feel like I have a choice'

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