Chapter 17- Fixed

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It's been a few days since I told Liu that I was going to continue staying at the house.
I visited my grandparents and my brother, hoodie was right they were okay with me living there. Im not sure what kind of voodoo magic he did but I wasn't going to question it.

Masky is still chained up in the basement and I wasn't sure when he's going to be let out, I was desperate to thank him and the wait had left me on edge.

It was the end of the day and I was waiting for one of the guys to come pick me up.
"Sorry! Sorry I'm late!" I heard a voice call out, I look among the crowd of students who were leaving and saw a guy with black trainers, blue jeans, a light blue hoodie and a black beanie with parts of his blonde hair hanging over his forehead

"Ben?" I call his name as he jogs towards me dodging the passing students

"I'm here" he announced as he bent over placing his hands on his knees.

"You're out of breath? Did you run all the way here?" I ask concerned

"No I don't get out of breath" he stood up straight talking normally as if he caught it in a second "I'm dead" he winked with a cheeky grin.

"What?!" I gasped in shock.
'Is he serious right now?!' I look around to see if anyone else had heard "are you fucking with me?"

"Yes! I'm fucking with you!" He groaned in pain placing his hands on his knees again. "That walk fucking killed me!"

"Damn it Ben!" I sigh as we began our walk back. "With everything going on I was fully ready to believe you!"

"I'm sorry!" He couldn't help but find my reaction amusing.

After what happened with Masky I decided to do my best to act different around the guys, trying to act more causal and comfortable around them, in hopes maybe it'd make them less irritated around me until they get used to it, but I was sure not to push my luck when they needed space "So why did you act like you were out of breath?"
He was about to answer until another voice called out my name...Amanda.

'Dear God kill me now' I mentally sigh.

He gave me a genuine smile which in an odd way made me relax. Other than Liu, Ben was the only one who has given me a genuine smile and told me something about himself.

"Sally!" Amanda sung as she walked up to me placing her hand on my shoulder "with another cute boy I see, dumped the other one you were with the other day?"

"No. That's not it"

"Still not gonna give me that cute guys number?" She cooed in a mocking way

"Who's number?" Ben mouthed to me so Amanda couldn't hear

"Jeff" I mouth back

Ben turned away as he almost burst out laughing, but he held it back and quickly composed himself

"Well..." Amanda began as she eyed up Ben "if you won't give me his number then why don't you give me this cuties number instead?"

"Aren't you capable of finding your own boyfriend?" I remark

"Hey I mean if she's up for it-"

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