Chapter 14-Fixed

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We reached the house and there was an awkward silence lingering in the air around us.
"Uh...thank you for-"

"Shut up" he interrupted "I don't want your thanks. I don't even care. Don't think for a second I like you because trust me I don't. I wouldn't start making assumptions"

"I'm sorry" I mutter as he walked off

"I still hate you with every fibre of my being" he called out as he left my sight

"Okay...understandable..." I sigh under my breath
'can he not take a thank you from me? Do they all hate me that much or is it just a Masky thing?'

I made my way upstairs to Liu's room and vowed I wouldn't leave until he returned tonight. When I opened the door I saw a figure standing beside his desk with his back to me. He turned towards me, acknowledging my presence.

It was EJ

"Jack?" I ask confused "I'm sorry I didn't know it was you at first, you scared me"

He didn't say anything. He was perfectly still. His creepy blue mask staring down at me.
"Is everything okay?" I tried to be careful with my words. He doesn't appear to be doing well.

"Shut the door" he stated bluntly turning back around to root in through the drawers, hesitantly I grab the door pushing it shut whilst keeping my eyes on Jack.

"What's going on? I ask him "I thought you wouldn't be back until tonight"

"I just...needed something...I was trying to avoid you"

"What? Why would you avoid me?" I question unsure as to what was happening

I held my breath suddenly as he was silent, he didn't even move. He just turned his head staring me down like a hunter with it's prey, I gasped quickly backing up against the door as he briskly walks towards me, he banged his fist on the door right next to my head caging me in.
'Why is he so angry all of a sudden?!'

"Dude what the fuck?!" I exclaim in shock and anger.

"I'm suffering" he grunted as he lowered his head near my shoulder, he was almost leaning on it.

"EJ!" I gasped as I saw his injury "oh my god your shoulder! You got shot?!"

He seemed confused for a moment as I was no longer shocked or confused, just concerned for him.
The surprise weirdly snapped him out of his funk.

"Yeah" he muttered "it's not a big deal it's fine"

"What if you bleed out?! Does it not hurt?"

"I'm fine. You know we're not normal. A small thing like this will be fine in a week" he grabs my arms and moves me to the side as he swung the door open and left the room.

I shut the door again and locked it, sitting on the bed thinking back about what just happened. However I quickly snap out of my thoughts as I felt my phone vibrate in my pocket.
"Hey Liu" I answered standing back up "I've been waiting for you to call"

"Hey Sally, I'm sorry things aren't going well...we might be late tonight or even arrive tomorrow"

"But Liu, i don't think I can be here any longer...Masky hates me even more than before and EJwas just mad at me-"

"Wait- jack spoke to you?" Liu interrupted

"Jack- that's his name? Huh-" I acknowledge with a simple nod but I make myself stay on topic "He was shot Liu, what the hell are you guys doing out there?"

"He had to go home and give himself first aid...he knows he shouldn't go near you when he's injured..."

"Liu..." I muttered changing the subject
"When you say you guys go out on 'missions'...does that mean, you're killing people?"
There was no reply for a moment keeping me in suspense


I felt my heart drop at the image of my one and only best friend taking peoples lives. 

"But I'm not" he continued "not whilst you're here Sally I can't do that to you"

"Please come back soon..." I express my worry to him before I end the call. I felt empty at the thought. Did he really stop for now for me? Or was it a lie to keep me hopeful? No...he wouldn't lie...

Jack POV

"Shit" he muttered as he stumbled through the hallway

"Jack?" Masky came out of his room "what the hell are you doing here?"

"It turned out my victim had a small hand gun under their pillow" He gritted gripping his shoulder "the bullet went straight'd just heal itself over the week since it's only small...but with the girl here I need to treat it otherwise I'll be..."

"Sadistic...freaky...angry...insane... even more than you already are? Trust me I know"

"Its probably best that I'm not like that for the whole week" Jack told him "I was so close to tearing her apart not long ago"

"You almost attacked her?" He asked as they made their way to Masky's bathroom

"I went into Liu's room to find materials i needed for stitches since I couldn't find any in my own bathroom..." Jack pulled out a needle and thin thread used for stitches out of his pocket and handed them to Masky.

"What happened?" Masky asked as jack sat on the edge of the bath tub

"Nothing, she just walked into Liu's room...when I saw her...the pain I have with my wound and the already twisting urges I have were really strong..." Masky knelt in front of jack as he explained
"I caged her in...threatened her... i was ready to just snap. We both knew she was scared, but she's too proud to try and let it show too easily"

"Of course she was" Masky sighed

"I was losing myself so quick that it felt so good I was about to gut her" he confessed "But then she did something" jack continued as he slid of his jacket

"What?" Masky looked up at him concerned

"She asked if I was okay"

"She did?" He asked confused

"No matter how scared she was" Jack took off his shirt revealing his tone yet scarred skin "She instantly threw her fear away and asked if I needed any help... it weirdly snapped me out of it" he continued to tell him as Masky dealt with his wound.

"Normal people are weird" Masky stated "gunshots as small as that are a big deal to them"

"I don't get why she got so concerned for me considering how I acted towards her prior to that"

"As I said normal people are weird...just forget about it they're all the same"

"Thanks for the help... it's weird seeing you act calm and concerned"

"I was fine before we had a normie living in the damn place..." he growled

"Things are going a bit haywire...we may not be back tonight" he informed

"Leaving me with her for even's like you're tempting me to kill her" he sighed growing tired.

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