Chapter 8- Fixed

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His eyes were literally dripping blood. He's a fucking blood fountain!

I was speechless as I looked down at my hand hovering near his...
'Does he really want me to shake his hand?!'

"You know it's rude to i've got to watch my tone'

"Liu already told us but what's your name? I want to hear it from you myself" He changed the topic as if he didn't want any excuses.


A sadistic deep laugh interrupted as a man in an orange jacket and a mask bent down to my level...Masky
"Look at her! Are you scared?" he mocked.

I slightly lean away from him as he was leaning down too close

"No" I reply with a straight face. I don't care what Liu said I'm not going to let them walk over me.
Ben finally let go of my hand allowing it to fall by my side so I step away from the masked man.

"I'm not scared, you won't ever scare me. We've all been through shit and I wont judge you for yours but I'm not being a pushover and I'm sorry to the people that have made you think you can"

"Oh shit-" Ben smirked

"That's not smart of you now is it?" His tone darkened. "So are you not intimidated even a little? Not by our looks?" He gestured moving closer.

"Masky." Toby warned.

Masky clicked his tongue in annoyance as he stood up straight, taking a few steps back "Well? answer the question." Masky gritted.
I stood there for a moment, all eyes were on me.

"You're damn right i am, who wouldn't be? It's crazy how Liu is even involved in this shit"

"Nice. I like her!" He looked back at the others with a smile.

"Oh I'm going to make you fucking bleed" he gritted approaching.

"No!"" Toby raised his voice pushing him away. "You don't touch her!"

"Why not?!" He threw his hands in the air "what is she to me?! This isn't what we do! We KILL PEOPLE! AND PROTECT EACHOTHER! NOT HER"
Toby placed his hand on my shoulder assuring my safety as I cross my arms. "you'd kill her too if it wasn't for the circumstances!"

"No!" Toby fought back.

"Admit it." Masky walked right up to Toby towering over him a little "you'd love to chop her head off"

"Stop it." He demand taking his hand off of me. He looks like as if he's holding back.
'Toby wants to kill me as well...just like the rest of can Liu expect me to stay here and befriend these people?'

"We know this has come out of the blue but it affects us either way! whether she's involved or not!"

"He's right" EJ agreed "and I have a feeling that it won't just be Jane that'll cause us problems"

"I just talked to the boss" the male in the yellow hoodie spoke up
'But he was standing there silent the whole did he contact...his boss?'

"I informed him about the situation and about the girl living with us...he said she stays with us until we resolve this issue and he wants to see her when he arrives"

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