Chapter 5- Fixed

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I let out a small groan in discomfort as I tossed over in bed God knows how many times. I saw Liu sleeping peacefully on his side of the bed and I let out a sigh of relief that he was next to me.

I managed to sleep for a small while but like any other person who was attacked when they were sleeping, well... I couldn't.
It was giving me a killer headache trying.
I glance over at the bedside table to see my glass was empty.

'Right...' I thought to myself 'fill the glass with water ...'

I know I should stay in bed but the haunting mask of the woman kept flashing through my mind and If I was going to be able to sleep I needed to cure my headache.

I slowly climbed out of bed, grabbed my glass and quietly left the room. I'd ask Liu to get me more but he's done enough for me and he must be tired too so why stop the both of us sleeping?

I went through the corridor and down the stairs leading to the living room.
I made my way into the kitchen but I instantly regretted switching on the light.

"What are you doing?" A gruff voice asked, there was a white hooded figure sitting on a stool. It was an island kitchen and he was sitting at the counter in the middle, his back was toward me so I couldn't see his face.

"I just needed to get something to drink" I tell him feeling awkward. 

"Like this?" He raised his shot glass in the air still not bothering to look back. The clear liquid swirled as I noticed a bottle of strong alcohol on the counter beside him.

"No thank you... can I just have some water?"

"Knock yourself out" he shrugged before throwing his drink down his throat, I gladly poured my drink and happily took a sip.

"Hey" I heard a growl, I turn around quickly to see he had his upper body turned from where he was sitting.
He was wearing a bandana and I could only see the same pair of wide burnt eyes that I saw the other night. I'd be lying to myself if I said that he didn't scare me, but he did save me after all.

"He didn't save your life intentionally" Liu's words reminded me.

"Yeah?" I ask confused, clutching the cold glass in my hand.

"Just take some sleeping meds" he said bluntly as he pulled a small box of them out of his pocket, placing them on the table beside him

"Im sorry? Why?" I asked confused. We just met and he's offering me pills?

"Because the sooner you take these the sooner you'll leave me alone" he grunted as he poured himself another shot "...I need time to...think" he turned around and pulled down his bandana to take a drink.

I approach the table as he lifted the black cloth back up over his face and I inspected the small box.
"So do you normally just offer anyone new you meet sleeping pills?" I pick up the box to read the label better.

"Don't worry they're legit. I saved your life remember?"

"Well Liu told me not intentionally" I tell him but my eyes wondered to the worn pocket to see a sharp blade slightly sticking out of it
'Is that a knife?'

"Tch" He clicked his tongue in annoyance as he poured another drink. "Of course he did."

He may be Liu's brother but that doesn't stop him from being dangerous...but he hasn't done anything bad to me yet...

Hesitantly I sat on a stool on the island counter opposite him. He noticed my glancing trying to see his hoodie pocket but it was blocked by the counter and I cursed myself for making it easy for him to spot.

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