Chapter 12- Fixed

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'Where is everyone?' I wonder to myself as I stood in the middle of the living room. This would mean that it's just me and Jeff alone...well it's better than being alone with masky or somebody else.

"I'm going" jeff announced as he walked downstairs

"What? Where are you going?"  I ask surprised

"Out to meet the others, they've already left and we'll be gone for a day or so" he lifted his bandana over his smile.

"So I'll be alone?" I ask him

"No. Masky is here too" he replied lifting up his hood over his head

"But what-"

"Don't even bother opening your mouth if you're about to whine to me about how you reacted to Masky yesterday. I'm not your gossip buddy and I still don't like you so shut up and deal with it"

He slammed the door shut leaving me there. These guys liked to leave me standing around dumbfounded a lot

I pulled out my phone and called Liu in slight desperation. After a few attempts he finally answered
"Liu" I gritted worriedly into the phone "I'm alone with Masky?! Him?! Of all people?!"

"I'm sorry Sally but Masky is only one who's schedule doesn't completely mix with ours today. So he agreed to keep an eye out for you until we return so just hang in my room until I get home"

"But Liu-"

"I'm sorry Sally I really have to go I'll call you soon to check on you" before I could protest any further he ended the call.

"Am i that much of a problem for you?"
I felt my body freeze and I regretfully turn to see Masky at the bottom of the stairway.

"Well... to be fair you did strangle me the other day"
He huffed in amusement and walked right up to me, he looked down on me. His masked face close to mine as he bent down a little.

"Your little outburst yesterday... and the other day...It pissed me off" he spoke lowly but then stood up straight "But it was amusing I'll admit. Not bad for a normie considering she was surrounded by very bad men" I could sense his smirk under his mask

"Are you going to attack me again?" I felt I had to ask. I had to know if I had to be on constant guard until Liu got back.

After a tense silence he replied.
"No, I was told firmly by the big man himself that I'm not to lay a finger on you...I must obey"

"Your boss was here?" I ask him

"No. He was with hoodie a few days ago for a minute or two then went back to whatever he was doing...we have our ways of communicating...normally he'd tell us to ignore Liu and get rid you. But he want to see if you're useful in helping us get rid of Jane"

"Me? I can't be useful in this..." I confess not seeing why anyone would think that.

"No me neither. Now get lost. Go to Liu's room or something since you don't want to be around me any longer than you have to"

I didn't hesitate and went up to Liu's room and spent the rest of the night there so I wouldn't annoy him.

When morning arrived I got dressed quickly and rushed downstairs where I bumped into Masky who was coming out of the kitchen holding a glass of water and pills in his gloved hand.
"Watch where you're fucking going!" He snapped

"I'm so sorry" I apologised quickly stopping in my tracks.

"Listen the others won't be back until later tonight so wait for me at the end of the day okay? Fucking hell" he swipes a small patch of his jacket that was damp with water as he walked off.

I raced to college and made my way to my first lesson to which I barely made on time. I sat down just as the bell rung causing me to sigh in relief catching my breath. I already have to get up early because of how the far the cabin is away from the college.
"Okay class I have to go collect the work I printed off please wait a few moments" the sociology teacher informed as he left the room

The second he left the entire class erupted into chatter.
"Hey Sally~" a voice sang from behind me , I mentally sighed recognising the voice
'Oh dear god...'

I turn my upper body to look to the source which belonged to none other than Amanda...the one who insulted Liu's scars.

"Who was that mysterious guy you were walking home with yesterday?" she leaned forward in her desk, slightly exposing her cleavage.

"Is he a friend?" Her friend nudged in

"Or is he more than that?" Another friend laughed 

" it's not like that" I tell her smiling with clear annoyance hidden behind it.

"Do you think that's why Liu hasn't been coming in lately?" Amanda laughed

"Ooo, a lovers quarrel" her friend snickered

"No...again it's not like that, they're completely unrelated to each other"

"Well if that's the case then do you wanna introduce me?"
I look her dead in the eyes processing if she really just asked that question.

"No." I told her as I turned around to face the front of the class

"What? Don't be a dick Sally! I wanna get to know him" she raised her voice a little

"You don't want to get to know him" I didn't bother looking back this time as I repeated the same words that Liu told me.

"Whatever" she mumbled, she directed her attention to her friends sitting next her and I stared down at my desk

"So annoying" I muttered to myself.

"Alright guys settle down" the teacher shushed the class as he came back into the room. "Today were just going to look and try to recognise different types of households" he announced as he handed out the worksheets.

I was working hard until about half way into the lesson I felt an increasing, nagging pressure in my bladder.
'That's what I get for stress drinking a bottle of coke in the morning' I scold myself as I tuck my hair behind my ears.

Luckily since it was college we were allowed to just walk out of the class and go to the toilet whenever we needed and I did just that.

I sorted myself out in the stall and felt relieved there was no accidents. After I was done I left the toilets to see Mr. Gibbs standing right outside of the door
"Jesus!" I jumped as I leaned back onto the heavy door.

"Oh sorry Sally, I didn't see you there" he smiled

"So you're just standing outside of the girls toilets?" I tell him feeling a little weirded out.

"Don't give me attitude I was stuck daydreaming" he placed his hands on his hips.


"See me today after school" he cut me off as he walked away

'Shit...Masky knows he attacked me but he doesn't know he works here. Which means he won't come right up to the classroom window like Jeff did. I wouldn't be bothered seeing him after school if he hadn't had locked his door before, it was making my paranoia worse. What do I do now?'

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