Chapter 13- Fixed

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That's it. Lessons were over, that meant that the day was over. Students were pouring out of the building eager to go enjoy their free time.

I nervously made my way through the corridor until I found myself outside of Gibbs room. I looked through the small rectangular glass in the door to see he was working at his desk.
"Sally can I have your assistance for a moment?"

I sharply turn around to see my art teacher standing there "unless you're waiting to see Mr. Gibbs then-"

"No, not at all I'd be happy to help" I tell her gratefully as I happily walked away with her

"There are just so many supplies to move and all of the other staff members are busy and most of the students have already left the building" she told me, I casually kept glancing behind me to see if Gibbs had left his classroom but he wasn't in sight.

"It's alright, I'm happy to help" I give her a warm smile.

I helped out the art teacher and once we were done half an hour had already passed
'Gibbs must've forgotten about me coming to see him now right?' I thought

"Thank you for the help Sally, I'm sorry it took much longer than I thought" she let out a sigh of relief, wiping sweat from her forehead.

"It's no problem at all" I couldn't help but chuckle at her genuineness.

We parted ways and I made my way out of the building hoping Masky isn't mad about the extra waiting time.

Once I got outside I rushed to the gate that allowed my freedom and separation from the property. However I noticed there was a figure standing by it... and it wasn't masky.

"I thought I told you to come see me" Gibbs sounded disappointed as he stood with his arms crossed.

"I was helping another teacher out" I tell him with a small shrug"and it's already late I've got work to do so-"

"Hold on." He called out to me, stopping me from moving forward. "Have you considered my offer yet?"

"Uh...your offer?" I ask pretending to be confused in hopes he'd drop it.

"The offer I made to treat you as an apology for my behaviour? You promised you'd keep it in mind"

"Wow, straight to the point. See...the thing is-"

"Sally! Hurry the fuck up" I heard a groan from behind me, I turn to see it was Masky and I was oddly relieved to see him but where the hell was he 10 seconds ago?!

He wasn't wearing his mask but a black surgical mask to still cover his face.

"Oh, another friend I presume?" Gibbs looked towards him who was clearly annoyed.

"Uh huh" I agree as Masky leaned against the gate, folding his arms impatiently.

"No. I'm not her friend. I'm just an escort" he stated
'Well there's the difference between him and Jeff...'

"Escort?" Gibbs asked

"Yeah. Problem?" Masky gritted

"Please calm down" I tell him not wanting things to escalate "look I'll take you up on the offer you okay?" I crumbled under the pressure. I agreed hoping he'd just end the conversation and let me leave.

"I thought you would" he hummed in satisfaction. The air was filled with silence, I felt defeated, I didn't want to go out with Gibbs but I gave in and now he's rubbing it in my face? In front of the person I needed to impress the most?

I didn't notice that Masky looked at me clearly seeing the expression of discontent on my face, his eyes blank, tired eyes then travel up back at Gibbs.

"You're the guy that attacked her right?" He broke the silence.

"Excuse me?" He looked surprised


"Its strange to be letting you work near her or any other student for that fact. I mean you're a total fucking creep" Humour was laced in his tone.

"I'm not a creep!" Gibbs snapped

'Is Masky trying to help me or is he making the situation worse for his own amusement?!'

"Stop it" I tell Masky in a pleading tone.

"What is wrong with this guy Sally?!" Gibbs complained looking down at me.

"Im sorry he's just very impatient" I express to Gibbs trying to keep him calm. I then turn to Masky and approach him "please! he's my teacher" I begged quietly

"I'm not the one creeping on their students" he looked back at Gibbs, making sure he was loud enough for him to hear.

"You need to leave before I call security" Gibbs demanded

"You think that'll stop me?" he gritted standing up straight.

"You're starting a fight for no reason" I whisper, placing my hands on his chest trying to stop him from going up to Gibbs.
He then slightly leans down towards me as he whispered.
"Much to my dismay Sally my job is to protect you" he whispered "And for me to do that he needs to be out of the picture... He has bad intentions!" Masky spoke louder so Gibbs could hear his comment again

"Excuse me?!" He seemed offended checking to see if anyone else was around to hear.

"What? And you don't?" I argue back in a low whisper

I couldn't help but defend Gibbs. Not because I hated Masky or what Gibbs did to me the other night. Masky can't be drawing attention to himself and I can't have any teachers spreading bad news about me at college causing me to be expelled when final exams are so close.

"What kind of teacher makes a student go out to eat with them?" He asked as I continued to slightly push on his chest keeping him back a little, although he could move me aside any second if he wanted. It was clear his intent was to only talk and get on his nerves.

"Look can we please just go home?" I with pleading eyes.

He looked back towards Gibbs and then me, he straightened out his jacket and walked away.
I turn to Gibbs apologetically "I'm really really sorry. I don't know what's gotten into him"

"Make sure he doesn't come here again" Gibbs demanded "is there anything going on at home I need to know about?"

"No. No" I corrected quickly "he's trying to work on his anger issues" I made up an excuse "he's just...protective"

Once I convinced Gibbs with my lies that everything was okay and apologised for his behaviour I quickly left and ran to catch up with Masky

"What the hell was that?" I ask him annoyed

"What?" He asked not bothering to look at me

"Why did you start on him like that?" I ask him as though it should be obvious.

"I had to give you some of your dignity back or there'd be nothing left"

"Really?" I ask wondering if he's being serious

"Look it's obvious he's a creep. As much as I hate it I have to protect you or I'll be punished"

"But he said it was his medication" I tell masky. 

"Then why are you scared around him? Why are you nervous? I'll tell you why It's because you know the truth deep down. You say it's his medication but has he actually showed you any medical records? Showed you the medicine he had to take?"

"I'm just a student he can't tell me personal stuff like that let alone show me" I inform him.

"You may be his student but you were also his potential victim. How do you know for sure he never intended to act that way if he hasn't even shown you proof to show he's innocent? Now I'm one to talk. I kill. I make those who deserve it to suffer by killing them...slowly. But there are people worse than us"

I felt myself cringe at the mention of him killing
"We would never harass or harm someone the way people like him would. Scarring a life like that...People like him-" He cut himself off not wanting to spill anymore. "They're more scum than us."

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