Chapter 10- Fixed

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"I wish he'd just be sensible about the situation like a grown man" i ramble on to Liu as we left the street market.

"I'm really sorry Sally. I knew it was going to be hard but- fuck" he ran his hand through his hair as we walked through a more empty streets to make our way to the woodlands.


"Hey bitch!" We turn around confused to see a man approaching us. 

"Who, me?" I question as he stood in front of us.

"You stole my money months ago! I remember your face!"

"Sally..." Liu sighed quietly.

"Don't even dare to lecture me because you guys are way worse!" I warn raising my finger. "Besides I didn't think he'd even recognise me"

"Hey! I'm right here! And if you don't give me my money back I'm going to-" A woman came up behind him, jamming something into his back.

He seized and fell to the floor jolting and shaking. Jane was standing above him with a sense of satisfaction holding a taser.
"They're always so handy" she sung with humour as Liu ushered me behind him. "Sally! I didn't know you had this little delinquent side to you!" She seemed excited "my perception on you has completely changed!"

I couldn't help but glare daggers towards her as Liu continued to act as a barricade between us.

"Watch yourself" she warned "watch that face you're pulling Sally. I like you but I'll still hurt you"

"I'm separated from my family because of you" I muttered.

"You looking at me like that? That's brave. I knew you were brave but I didn't think stupid either. But I guess you feel all powerful because you have your boyfriend with you now. Liu...have you decided? Will you help me?"

"No Jane. It will always be no"

"But you and your friend here can be safe with me, you can live a good life, at least better than what you're living now. Get revenge on your brother, save your sanity before you turn into one of them freaks"

"They're not freaks!" He gritted "one reason I will always be on their side is that at least they stick by their morales and rules. Good or bad.
You go against yours whenever it suits you best, such as threatening Sally who never had anything to do with this. You can change at any moment and that's why I feel safer with them. I know who they really are."

"I can change your mind" she gave a low chuckle. Her heels clicking on the pavement as she approached " I'll just have to keep stalking the stalker"

"What does she mean, stalker?" I repeat looking up at him

"Ignore her" Liu demanded not taking his eyes off of her.

"It doesn't matter I'm going for now anyway" she turned her back and began walking away "but just know you've chosen now Liu. There's no second chances"

"Then it's a good job I don't need one" he countered
"Come on let's go back" he turned to face me, his hand on my shoulder guiding me back. "And please no more stealing or p


"Look who's here!" Ben smiled as we entered. He approached with his hands tucked in his blue hoodie pocket. "What's new?"

"It was Jane. She confronted me...again"  this caught the others attention as they now all looked towards Liu.

"What? That bitch found you again?!" Jeff growled

"We just left the street market, she wanted us on her side"

"Us?" Jack repeated

"She wants Sally too"

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