A fish out of water

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I slowly walked through the small town street of Shepherdstown, West Virginia. The small town is what you would imagine those American small towns, that everyone knows each other, everyone is friendly except for that big bully, etc. I was 12 years old now and going to 7th grade of Shepherdstown Middle School (the people who founded this town were really creative with names). I've lived all my life in God's Children Home, an orphanage located in this small town. I loved it here, everyone knew each other, it was peaceful, nobody cared that I was from the orphanage, so on so forth. 

The orphanage wasn't that bad honestly. Each kid had its own bathroom and bedroom, the food was great and they taught us manners and everything so we could be functional in society. Of course, there were times in which I wish to have known my parents, but life wouldn't be the same by a long shot. Right now I felt as if I had an extended family of eight siblings and two mothers. 

It was really cool how each one of us was different, but we all shared some qualities. For example, I was the "Don Juan", always getting the girls to fall for me, then Jacob Heeley was that shy kid that didn't get along with anyone outside our family. But once we were in dinnertime or basically the family alone and together, we all changed demeanors and laughed and everything. 

I found myself at the entrance of the school. When I entered, it was like everyone had their eyes focused on me. This wasn't anything new honestly. I mean, sorry if I forgot to tell you but I am the captain and quarterback of our football team, was the top scoring archer in the state, was the champion of karate of my division, practiced krav maga and also had the highest grades in the class. Not to brag, but I was kind of a school big shot. Every girl wanted to be with me and I took my fair share of them. 

To be fair, if I was a girl I would also be running after me. My hair was brown (the type that when you're in the sun kind of looks reddish), I had blue eyes and was kind of tall for my age. I never knew from which parent I got my traits, I'm just thankful for them. 

I heard the bell ring for homeroom. I walked for about a minute and arrived at Mrs. Fort classroom, which fortunately was also my first class. I sat in the center of the chairs with girls surrounding me, asking me if I was going to Packers party on Friday, how I had been, when was our next practice, etc. I just boringly replied "yeah I'm Going to the party" "I've been good" "Tomorrow at 3 is the practice" "No I don't like Riverdale" until the bell rang again, notifying the start of class. 

Mrs. Fort was our ancient history teacher that started teaching this year. She had those penetrating eyes, an angelic voice that made you almost fall in love with her, but she was still kind of weird. She always smelled like sea-salt (even though we are miles away from a beach) and always seemed to have her hair wet. 

"Hey, can I sit here?" I heard a girl ask me. A voice I've never heard before. I turned to my side and noticed a beautiful girl with black hair and blue eyes. She was honestly the prettiest girl I have ever seen in my whole life, straight out of a Victoria Secret catalog. 

"Yeah sure. My name is Jagger, Jagger Buckley" I said introducing myself, giving her my signature smile that made all the girls swoon. 

"Nice to meet you, Jagger. I'm Silena Beauregard" she said replying with her own smile, but to my surprise, she wasn't blushing. 

Professor Fort started class talking about the ancient Greeks, their society as well as religion. In other words, we had to sit there for an hour hearing her rant about bogus. Mrs. Fort started to write something on the board, which I couldn't read on account of my dyslexia. Fortunately, I always got some girl to explain things to me after charming them, so it wasn't a big deal. Talking about conditions, I also had ADHD, but I had that controlled with pills. 

Jagger Buckley: forbidden child (Percy Jackson AU)Where stories live. Discover now