Chiron got maaaad

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You know that in some states like South Dakota, you could get your license at 14? Well, based on this past experience, I believe the minimum should be 16.

So my uncle Apollo thought it would be a good idea to let one of us drive. Then, he decided that the best choice would be my girlfriend Thalia because she is a daughter of Zeus. I mean, he would've put me and it would've made more sense but apparently he didn't know everything.

Well, it turns out Thalia can't least not so up high.

She almost set fire to Long Island and a couple of states down the road, we almost crashed, it was just plain horrible. Apollo tried to give her instructions, but she wouldn't listen. Even I tried to tell her to calm down, but my words just went through her ear and out the other. Finally, Apollo took control of the sun chariot and we arrived at Camp Half-Blood in one piece.

Apollo bid us farewell, telling Percy to look out for the prophesies and taking a really hard look at me.

Chiron then came galloping towards us, asking us if the mission was a success. Percy was the one to tell him that Annabeth had gone missing, to which he seemed really sad. I mean, I couldn't blame the dude. Annabeth was like a daughter to the centaur, and missing her to the manticore isn't the best way to never see her again.

Once Zoë Nightshade spoke down to Chiron, the hunters went to the Artemis cabin, leaving the rest of us glaring at the walking figures. I excused myself and went to shoot some hoops like the boys in the inner city.

I was enjoying playing basketball with some Ares kids and my dog Sato (not really wanting to talk about the mission with Percy) when some four hunters came towards us. I stopped the ball and glared at them.

"What do y'all want" I said with authority

They just let out air "what are you doing here? You should get out before you get really hurt"

"Oh, like your lieutenant Zoë did? Wait, my bad. I beat her up. And I doubt you gals can do better than her," they glared at me and took out their bows while the Ares kids took out their swords and spears. Sato began to growl at my side, preparing himself to launch at any moment.

"Stand down. This is my fight," I said with my psycho look. I forgot to tell y'all that before, I'm kind of psycho. Chiron even lets me kill some animals every once in a while in fears that I will harm someone. Unfortunately for these hunters, I haven't killed an animal in about four moments, so my bloodlust was on an all time high. "Now, who wants to go first?"

A hunter named Phoebe launched herself first. With her hunting knife in hand, she started to slash with heat technique. Sadly for her, my reflexes and instincts aren't like those of a normal demigod, so I just easily dodged all her attempts to maim me. Once I grew tired of always being the one in defensive mode, I sidestepped to my left, twisted her arm until I heard something break, took her knife and put it on her neck, daring her to move. Phoebe just stood there yelling from the pain, which really didn't make me feel bad at all.

Then came all the other three hunters at the same time. One shot an arrow towards me but I easily grabbed it.

"Y'all should work on your aim" I said before launching towards her, impaling the arrow on her leg. Then, I put her leg in a straight position and stepped on her knee, breaking the bones. With each agonizing scream, my bloodlust increased.

The next hunter just came with her hunting knives ready. You could tell she wasn't as experienced as these other two, as I easily went to her behind and popped an arm out of pain. Then, I went and grabbed the knife from the floor and stabbed her in between the arm and the shoulder.

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