Losing a blonde haired girl

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When the British band Queen said in Bohemian Rhapsody "I don't wanna die. Sometimes wish I'd ever been born at all", I felt that. It would be an accurate description of how I'm living my life right now. It's been two years since I found out I was a demigod, two years since Luke betrayed camp and every day more demigods following his steps, two years since that Percy Jackson arrived and, most importantly, two years since the start of the waiting to be claimed.

At first, everyone thought Apollo would've claimed me, but after a year and a half of praying to him every day, we all kind of lost hope. My friends from the Apollo cabin where the ones who were the saddest by this turn of events. I mean, I act, look and even have some of their traits like being really good at archery or slightly healing people, but after so long then we just kind of lost hope.

Nowadays I've just been training to avoid been killed by some monsters outside camp borders (not that I went there often). Like I said before, I really don't wanna die. That doesn't mean I'm happy about being alive. Trust me, if I could stop my conception I would give a thousand condoms, birth control pills and then if that failed, then I would drag my birth mother to Planned Parenthood to make her have an abortion. In other words, I don't want to live, but I'm already doing it so might as well survive.

A quick recap of the past two years. Basically Zeus lost his thunderbolt, he blamed Percy, Percy retrieved it, Luke betrayed us, he poisoned Thalia's pine tree, Chiron was fired and Tantalus or something like that replaced him, Clarisse and some others went on a quest to retrieve the Golden Fleece, Percy appointed himself as part of the quest, snuck out of camp, retrieved the Golden Fleece, saved Thalias pine tree, Thalia came back from the dead, and that leaves us here. 

Lots of stuff I know, but if you were one of the background characters of the Percy Jackson adventures as his book will most likely be called, then nothing really major happened. Sure, Luke betrayed us, many demigods went to side with the Titans and Camp was briefely appointed a Hitler as Camp Activities Director, but nothing more aside that.

Anyways, right now I was in the car with Percy, Annabeth, and Thalia because we needed to retrieve some powerful demigods from a military private academy. The driver was Sally Jackson, Percy's mother. She seemed really preoccupied about our mission, and I would be too if my kid was the son of Poseidon and going to yet another "quest".

Oh yeah, Percy is a son of Poseidon. Great, I know

The ride there was pretty calm in my opinion. Of course, Sally Jackson didn't seem to know when to shut up, but that was understandable as her son might've died tonight. When she dropped us off, Percy talked really rough to her. She looked kind of sad, although she hid it very well. I wanted to punch Percy in the face so hard, or maybe put an arrow on his rooster, or maybe break a rib, or maybe...

"Bucky you coming?" I heard Thalia ask me from a distance. I realized that while I was thinking of ways I could harm that blasted son of Poseidon, the group had started walking towards the entrance of the school.

"Yea, sorry I just got distracted" I replied jogging my way up to her. I put my hand with hers and started walking with the group. Might've missed that part in my quick recap. Thalia and I are dating and up till now, Zeus hasn't killed me.

When we arrived at the entrance of the school, there were two teachers guarding it. One of them was a woman and the other a weird French looking guy. The man looked at me and I swear his eyes spoke to me, saying "Finally arrived". Subconsciously, I held on to Thalia tighter, which made her blush.

At first they were reluctant to let us in, but after Thalia made her weird Mist thingy, we entered the facilities. We met Grover, the satyr that had found the demigods in the school. He told us that there were two of them, siblings in facts. The girl was supposedly 12 years old while the boy was 10.

Jagger Buckley: forbidden child (Percy Jackson AU)Where stories live. Discover now