Country Roads take me home

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So it turns out the walk from West Virginia to New York is longer than I thought.

We were walking for like six hours and, from what Silena told me, we were only in Pennsylvania. Just about two states to go. Only two states.

We were walking through the woods (because apparently, the only woods giant corporations want to tear down is the Amazon rainforest) with no end in sight. I was already tired, wishing just to go home as I remembered that I had no home. The only substitute would be this apparent camp all the way in New York, but even then I don't know if I would like it. All my life I have lived in a small town where I could do whatever I wished, walk anywhere, talk to anyone, etc. But by what Silena tells me, Camp Half-Blood was nothing like that.

First of all, we were going to train how to survive using weapons. Bows and arrows I didn't mind because I was the state champion, but swords and spears are another story. Second, we couldn't go out of camp if we wanted, just in a quest (where we could die) or if you escaped (where you could also die). Third and worst of all, apparently gods had rivalries. So, if my godly parent was let's say Poseidon, then the other two eldest gods plus Athena would want to kill me. And not only that, their children would hate me which would limit the capacity of friends I could make.

To put it in simple words, gone are the days where I could walk freely through the woods and then run to the top of a hill. Gone are the days where I could talk to whoever I wanted. Gone are the days where I could just practice archery without thinking 'I need to do this perfectly in case a monster comes and want to eat me'.

Another hour passed and I couldn't deal with breathing anymore. Thankfully, Silena also seemed super tired so we decided to make a mini campsite and sleep there for the remainder of the night. The temperature was chill, about 65 degrees, but nothing our clothes couldn't manage. While Silena scouted the place for possible attacks, I went to find firewood so we could be at least a little warm. I quickly found it and made my way to the campsite, where I found Silena patiently waiting for me.

"Took you long enough," Silena said rolling her eyes "I was already thinking of going after you"

"I didn't take that long," I said chuckling, making my way to her side.

I put the firewood on the 'center' of the campsite and Silena turned the fire on with a lighter/knife/spoon/rope? It was like a swiss-army knife but with many other things. She told me a friend of hers named Charles Beckendorf made it for her. Apparently, he was a son of Hephaestus and had a keen attraction to making stuff.

"So, who's your godly parent?" I asked breaking the ever so growing uncomfortable silence that was cast upon us

"Aphrodite, the Goddess of love and other things I don't really want to say because she's my mom"

I quickly remembered from the lesson that Aphrodite was also the goddess of Pleasure, passion, and procreation. So it basically meant that Silena's mom was a sex goddess.

"It must be awkward to talk to her," I said trying to make a little joke, but then I found out that it quickly backfired. Her little trace of a smile disappeared completely and her eyes seemed filled with much sadness.

"We demigods don't talk to our parents. Unless he or she comes to your dreams or you have the luck of Columbus then you will most likely never meet your parent. Some gods are good and visit their kids individually through their dreams. Other gods actually care but are just really busy and don't have the time for their children. Then there is the third kind of gods. The ones who actually don't give two rats ass about us, are just out there making more demigods without thinking the horrible life we have ahead of us."

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