meeting uncle

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Have you ever walked into a room and realized they were just talking about you? Have you had it happen over 100 times?

I stole that quote from Mean Girls, but it's exactly what happened to me as I entered the dining pavilion. Everyone just instantly shut up and stared at me with fear and amusement. Word must've gotten out about how I beat those hunters.

The Artemis table, obviously filled with hunters, was glaring daggers at me. In all honesty, even if I felt slightly bad about what I had done, it all went away when I remembered that these girls all could talk with my mother almost on a daily basis while I had just met her today.

Anyways, I got my food -rabbit stew tended to calm my nerves- and sacrificed some to Hermes for letting me stay in his cabin, to Apollo because he's my uncle and to my mom, then sat next to Connor Stoll on the Hermes table. You see, even though I already knew who my mother is, she hasn't officially claimed me. And I knew that wouldn't happen until I did some really heroic stuff.

I was already going to get my dessert when Chiron stomped at his table, motioning everyone to pay attention to his words.

"Campers and hunters, tomorrow as in tradition we will have the Campers v. Hunters game of capture the flag. Due to recent reasons, the hunter team will be having two players less than normal, so the campers must have an equal amount of players. Moreover, the camper Jagger Buckley is not allowed to compete. Do I make myself clear?"

All of the campers created a ruckus, with the Athena, Hermes, Apollo and Ares cabin the loudest. The Athena cabin complained because I was the second best strategist, almost as good as Annabeth who had gone MIA. The Hermes cabin was, in all effects, my cabin, so of course, everyone would be mad. The Apollo cabin was like my siblings (only I knew we were cousins), so of course they would be mad. The Ares cabin was just mad that we might lose again.

"Silence! Even though I may not agree with Jaggers punishment, he must pay for his actions against the guests," Mr D. announced to everyone. Immediately, they all shut up in fear that the god might strike them.

"And Jagger. Don't think I didn't notice you going for dessert. Get back to your table. Now!" Chiron yelled at me, and I obeyed.

After dining and having the campfire (which I wasn't allowed to be in for the entirety of it), everyone went to the cabins. That night I fell asleep relatively fast, but it wan't a peaceful rest.

I saw my mom being taken away by some monsters. She looked beaten down, remorseful. I wanted to alert somebody, but I couldn't do anything. Suddenly, everything went blank for a moment. As soon as that happned, the scenary changed into one of my childhood favorite places. It was the woods of Sheperdstown, with the Potomac River flowing nearby. The birds chriped, the squirrels planted their seeds, the ants built their colonies, and all animals lived in peace.

"It's as if you'd never left right?"a guy said behind me. I turned around and saw Apollo, only instead of looking 19 he looked about 25. A little bit more mature, but still young enough that you could see his charismatic persona. He wore a yellow sweatshirt with black sweatpants and some black Nike shoes.

"You look like a bee," I simply said

"Don't bee disrespectful," I groaned "Okay Jagger, this meeting is important. So pay attention,"

"What happened to m-Artemis?"

"I'm going to get to that. But before, I just want to tell you that I know your secrets," I panicked. Only Thalia knew that Artemis was my mom but the other secret I haven't told anyone.

"Wh-hat do you mean you know my secrets?"

"Please. You think I wouldn't notice the similarities between the kid that is excellent at archery and my sister? You literally prayed for me to claim you every day. Besides, I always kept my eye out for you. Ever since my sister got pregnant she hasn't been the same. She has been even more manhating, even more distanced from everyone else, and me being the awesome twin brother I am, took note of all these changes,"

"What do you-" I tried to ask before Apollo interrupted me

"So one day, I followed her. Turns out, that it was March 21, aka your birthday. So, I saw your birth but, because Artemis can be really scary, never told her a thing. I saw when my sister left you in the orphanage, with lots of tears coming out of her eyes. Since that day, I've always payed attention to how you grew up, making sure no harm came your way. That is how we are here, with everything exactly as you remember it." I stayed silent for about a minute, letting all the information get to me.

"Th-hank y-you Lord Apollo"

"No need for that Lord nonsense. Call me Uncle Apollo, it was about time I had a nephew. Anyways, we can chat later on. Right now, I need you to go see my oracle."

"The Oracle? For what?"

"You just saw how your mom was captured. There is a quest to rescue her and you need to be in it. If you aren't the one who receives it, then there is no way Chiron will let you go in the quest. So, I'm going to let you wake up so you can get the prophecy as soon as possible. And a fair warning, this quest will be dangerous, so don't bring anyone inexperienced. Good night and good luck nephew. I'll look out for you," he ruffled my hair and left.

I woke up as the stars were still up and everyone was sleeping soundly. I quickly put my coat on and socks and ran to the big house, where I saw an angry Zoë Nightshade and a desperate Percy Jackson. I hid behind the house and heard the conversation.

Now, I don't have time to literally say the whole conversation word by word (plus it would be boring) so it basically went like this.

Zoë: cHiRoN i hAvE tO rEsCuE mY lAdY

Chiron: no

Percy: I hAd a dReAm

Chiron: go to your cabins

And they both went away. Luckily for me, Chiron didn't notice my presence, so I was able to get in the Big House. Once Chiron went inside, he quickly went to his room, leaving me with the chance to go to the attic.

After about five minutes of checking for any unknown movement, I stealthily went to the attic, where I found the Oracle mummy hippie thingy.

As I approached it, goosebumps began to crawl up my body. What if I wasn't ready to go on a quest? What if while on the quest, people died because of me?

Once in front of the oracle, she began to glow like a sick green. Her eyes opened and showed green light, and her voice became like that of a snake.

"Approach Oracle and ask" it said in a reptilian voice. I took a step closer and asked,

"How do I rescue my mother?" Suddenly, everything around me went blank. There were three people in front of me. The first one was Thalia with her punk clothes which made her look really badass, the second one was my mom in her 19 year old form. The third one was Apollo himself, wearing a normal beach attire.

Mom opened her mouth to talk, but instead of her normal voice, the voice of the Oracle seemed to take over.

"Five shall go West to the goddess in chains" she spoke. Then, Thalia went forward.

"One shall be lost in the land without rain" she spoke.

"The bane of Olympus shows the trail"  Apollo said next, but just like the others, he spoke in a serpentine voice

"Campers and hunters combined will prevail" said Thalia

"The titans curse must one withstand" said Apollo

"And one shall perish by a parent's hand" mom said

Jagger Buckley: forbidden child (Percy Jackson AU)Where stories live. Discover now