saw some silver underwear

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When I was little, I loved to go to the library and attempt to read a book. Then, when someone took pity on me, they would read it to me. The book I've always loved was one about Atalanta or Atlanta, an Ancient Greek hunter that later got married. She was abandoned when she was young and raised by a bear until Artemis found her and she became part of the hunters of Artemis.

The hunters of Artemis always seemed really awesome in my opinion. Only hunting all day and basically running away from every guy that wanted to court them (or basically rape them). But, contrary to my book, the Hunters were not so innocent.

If looks could kill, there wouldn't be a male standing right now. They were all around 10-14-year-olds, but they glared like they were a thousand at the least. I could see malice in their eyes like they were just dying to castrate each one of us slowly.

"Greeting Hunters. May I ask why you are with us today?" Chiron asked in a respectful tone

"Well centaur, my lady went to Olympus because of an urgent matter that shall be resolved in a few days. According to her, we would be safer with thou. We will be using the Artemis cabin as usual." A girl with black hair and a circlet said in a pompous tone that really didn't sit well with me. She had copper skin and looked like a Persian princess.

"Follow me, Hunters," said the same girl.

Everyone parted ways like the Red River did with Moses. Was it the Red River? I don't remember well but you know what I mean. Every guy avoided their eyes and every girl looked at them with distaste.

"Why do they have to be such bitches?" I asked Silena really loudly.

Why did I do that? Mainly two reasons.

First, I needed to express my question to someone I knew kind of well, and Silena was currently at least 50 feet from me.

Second, I wanted them to hear me in order to make a point. You see, I have never been one to talk about people behind their back. If I hate someone, I will tell them. If I like someone, I would be upfront. The only exception is when I'm flirting because it's common sense not to reveal your real intentions, you know?

Apparently, the Hunters of Artemis didn't take kindly my comment and, as if on a telepathic order, they all stopped and looked at me right in the eyes. I could feel everyone around me backing away from the perimeter.

"What did thy say boy?" The same Persian girl asked me daringly.

"Nothing much. I just asked why thy are oh so bitchy" I replied imitating my best Shakespearean accent.

Needless to say, that was not the right thing to say.

In such a short time there were at least 24 arrows aimed at me. The girl with the circlet, apparently their leader, took out a hunting knife. She started twisting it like the bad guys in any 80's-90's action movie.

I felt the color drain from my body. I could also sense that the only person attempting to get closer to me was my dear friend Beauregard. The started speed-walking towards me and took my arm. She tried to pull me away from the scene but I didn't budge.

"Come on Bucky, don't be such an asshole. There's no reason to pick two fights on your first day. Plus, if you do start a fight with them, you'll probably end up without your manly part"

"Yeah, listen to the Aphrodite whore," the circlet girl said

"Don't call her a whore you overgrown ferret" great insult, I know. But at times like this, I tend to not think about what I say and just follow my instinct.

Of course, most of the time my instinct ends up wanting to kill me.

The girl with the circlet glared at me like she wanted to vaporize me. I tried to take off running but before I could get far I was attacked. The rest of the girls shot their arrows at me and the circlet girl ran to me with her hunting knife in hand. Only around four arrows found space on my body to embed themselves in. One of them on my left forearm, one of them on my shoulder. Not so bad to be honest.

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