Cabins got burnt

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There is a saying that intelligence isn't the same as wisdom. That the difference is that intelligence is your capacity to learn while wisdom comes from experience.

Well, I can confidently say that, with the experiences I have gone through this past hours, I have enough wisdom to say that I am certainly not a son of Hermes. As soon as I entered the cabin, a bucket filled with red paint was dropped on me. Just like that scene in Carrie.

Luckily, I found a place on a bunk because most of the campers were at their homes, but by what Luke and the Stolls tell me (both Hermes campers), the cabin is usually packed because of undetermined demigods. It seems really stupid in my opinion that there are four cabins that don't have any campers but there is still a cabin with people apparently sleeping on the floor. I mean, can't Zeus, Hera, Poseidon and Artemis make space for some stray demigods? That way we all feel appreciated and not like crap with our parents abandoning us. Or at least, let the minor gods have their own cabin. I mean seriously, I've been here a day and already have plans on how to improve this.

That night I had a very livid dream. I was in a forest and next to me was a guy with dark blonde hair and blue eyes. He was pretty tall and lean built, wore simple jeans and shirt with some gay boots. Not that the boots themselves were gay, just that they seemed way too stylish to be used in a forest.

Near us was a girl, about eighteen or nineteen maybe. She seemed unaware that the guy was eyeing her with lustful eyes. I immediately knew what was going to happen to the girl, so I tried to warn her.

"Hey! Girl get out of here!" I yelled at the girl, but she didn't seem to notice my presence. The guy then ran stealthily towards the girl and was able to knock her out with a simple glow in his hand and a hit on her neck. The girl dropped to the floor and I could see her face much better. She was really pretty, with wide eyes, a medium size nose and fair skin that complemented her features.

Don't get me wrong, I think that everyone (well not everyone) is beautiful, no matter if you're black, white, Indian, yellow, a rainbow, I don't care. Point is, this girl was really pretty and I immediately felt sick about what was going to happen.

For about fifteen minutes I hate to witness a rape. Not a pretty sight, not something I would ever want to watch again (no matter how much of a kink I have for that, watching it "in real life" was very different than watching actors). After the guy finished, he looked at girl with a look that basically said 'good job' and took off.

When the girl woke up, she looked startled and very weak. She started crying and I immediately wanted to go and help her. I went beside her and tried to hug her, but my hands just passed right through her.

I woke up startled from that dream. The sun was barely rising, and nobody from the cabin was awake. I got off my top bunk, went to the bathroom and brushed my teeth with some spare toothbrush (they told me it didn't belong to anybody) and went out. On the top of the hill sat about ten campers, the youngest from about six while the oldest was about 17. I jogged to their way when I saw that they were the Apollo campers.

"Umm hey? What are you guys doing here so early?" I asked awkwardly

"Jagger! I could ask you the same thing" said a kid I think that's named Lee "we are here to watch the sunrise. As you know, that is our dad pulling the sun. We always wake up early. Why are you up so early tho?"

"I've been waking up when the sun rises and the moon sets lately. I have no idea why really" I said, taking my seat beside Will

We sat there watching the sun rise for about ten minutes. It was an incredible sight I'll give you that, but not something I would like to do every day. I talked with the kids about lots of stuff, like schools, favorite songs, hometowns, age, mortal parent, etc. Then they asked me about me, to which I told them that I came from Shepherdstown in West Virginia, that my favorite song was Country Roads, that I was 12, that I was an orphan and stuff like that. They seemed really impressed when I told them I was the state champion of Archery and karate and my other accomplishments.

For the first time since I had arrived, I felt like I had a family again. Who would've said that I had so much in common with Apollo kids.

I had almost completely forgotten the newly found feud with the hunters. It was reminded the moment I waked into the dining pavilion. Instead of being greeted by looks, I was greeted by some arrows in my leg. I seriously need to find what those arrows are made up because they hurt way too much.

"Jesús Christ! It's like seven in the morning, please! If you need to shoot me do it after nine after I've had my breakfast!" I yelled at the top of my lungs, harder than I intended to. Not my fault tho, that hurt like hell.

I limped my way around for about an hour, which wasn't really pleasant when you need to drop things in a fire and give it to some random god.

Will Solace could quickly heal me (thanks to the heavens) and I spent the entire day hiding from the hunters. At least trying to.

Turns out the hunters either like every activity I was interested in or, another and more probable possibility, they wanted to make my life a living hell.

First was archery, where I took out my neck bow and started shooting really fast, all arrows landing on the bullseye. Lee and Michael Yew were really impressed with my skills, saying that no mortal school could've taught me to be that good. When I told them that I never took a class, they insisted that I was a child of Apollo. It was really probable thinking about it.

Unfortunately, the hunters weren't so accepting on my talent. The one called Zoë, or as I like to call her 'overgrown ferret' and another girl started to accuse me of cheating. First it was because of the target because "it was way too close". Then, when I proved them wrong, it was because of my bow. I took the worst bow I could find and fired an arrow. The arrow hit the bullseye and, soon after it landed, the bow literally broke. After they were proven wrong, they just left the archery range, leaving me and the Apollo campers laughing our asses off.

Next was knife combat with the Athena cabin, well more specifically Annabeth Chase. She taught us the basics and left the rest of the hour to find a partner and spar. I looked over to an Aphrodite camper and winked at her, making her blush. I started to walk towards her and ask her to friendly soar when suddenly, a hunter stood in front of me. And which hunter was it? You probably guessed it...

Zoë Nightshade, my future wife.

I'm not going to bore you with the details of my fight with her, but let's just say that I destroyed her 'trash talk' and did the same with her fighting. It was like an unknown force took over me and made me follow all my instincts like an animal would.

The next few weeks were pretty uneventful really. We lost in capture the flag because of an honestly bad strategy in part of the Athena cabin. I tried to help but I had no voice because I was new, but oh well.

The thing that stood out the most was when I was almost castrated. Although, I actually did deserve that one to be honest.

So I made a bet with the Stolls that consisted in me stealing an underwear of one hunter. So, in order to do that, I had to enter the Artemis cabin when the hunters weren't there and steal something.

I went in stealthily, watching if any hunters were there and quickly stole a bra and a panty from Zoë's drawer. I quickly went out of the pretty Artemis cabin and entered the chaotic Hermes cabin. I cleared my throat to make everyone pay attention to me.

"Dear cabin mates. There are three events in history that changed the history of mankind forever. The first was the start of agriculture. The second was the "discovery" of the Americas. The third event was just made today. It signifies the end of a reign of terror, the start of us being more confident, the start of us mortal demigods to show those inmortals what we're really made of. Next time anybody tells you that you are too little, you just say 'size doesn't matter, just ask your mother', anytime people tell you you aren't enough, know that that is not true. We may have lost Capture the Flag, but we recovered stronger and stole their dignity!" I said the last part showing the underwear set. Cheers from all over the cabin we're heard and I have never felt so powerful.

Next thing I knew, the hunters burned half the cabins and almost castrated me if it wasn't for Mr. D stopping them.

About two months passed when the guy that would change history forever arrived. A guy by the name of Percy Jackson...

Jagger Buckley: forbidden child (Percy Jackson AU)Where stories live. Discover now