Meeting my birthgiver

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If my life were a story, this would be the part where everything makes perfect sense but the main character is still in denial.

Let me explain.

I had just beaten up Zoë Nightshade when Artemis dragged me into the woods. Of course, I thought I was going to die or become a woodland critter, like the ones in South Park. What I didn't expect was for said goddess to say that she was my mother.

Of course, that would explain my love and talent for archery, my prejudice and the tendency of following my instinct; although at the same time I was one of the biggest womanizers in camp, even at a young age, and that is basically exactly what Artemis hates.

"That's...possible. Wow. I can't believe I'm meeting my mother. I can't believe YOU'RE my mother, you should hate me." I said trying not to cry. Really cheesy, but in my defence, I have just met my mother got the first time.

"I tried to keep you, I swear. I just couldn't. I'm really sorry if you have passed through any difficulties. I love you my son" Artem-mom said full on crying. I felt kind of bad, knowing full well she had never intended to have me and the circumstances I was conceived were not the best ones.

Hugging my mother must have been one of the best feelings in my life, even if she was crying. These past few years I honestly felt like dung because I thought Apollo had forgotten to claim me, but it turns out it wasn't Apollo who needed to claim me. Wait...

"Why haven't you claimed me?" Mom stiffened at my tone and looked at me in the eyes. I could tell she felt remorse and pain, which wasn't exactly what I wanted to feel by that question.

"You see Huntley, I'm supposed to be a maiden goddess. By having you, I basically broke one of my domains with a mortal. Such an act would look bad to the Olympians, so they would stop at nothing to kill you. I swear on the Styx that I wanted to claim you, but I feared for your safety," mom responded with slight panic. Every once in a while, she would look at the sky, as if she feared for someone.

"Why didn't you abort me?" I asked after a few moments of silence. She looked at me as if 'why the hell are you talking about that' look, so I continued on with my thought

"I mean, I probably remind you of something horrible, and life as a demigod isn't easy. So, wouldn't it have been better to abort me and prevent all of this?"

"Although I can't deny your conception wasn't planned or a pleasant feeling, you're still my son. I have to be honest and tell you I planned on aborting you, but by that time I had already loved you way too much to kill you. You're my son, and I love you"

A few minutes of silence passed, both of us sitting on the ground close to each other. Suddenly, mom bolted up with a panic look.

"I just realized something, and it's not good. Come on, let's head to camp. You'll leave with Apollo to Camp Half-Blood, I have to make a hunt,"

"Can't I come with you?"

"I'm afraid not Huntley. This is a very dangerous mission and I would hate to lose my favourite person in the world so soon," I simply nodded.

"One more thing mom"

"Yes, Huntley?"

"Call me Jagger, that's my name from now on"


"Huntley No offence, but not even Hunter? You gave me a dorks name. So now you're looking at Jagger Buckley, son of Artemis" I said proudly. She smiled at me and hugged me in a motherly way.

"Hey, can I tell someone that you're my mom?"

She seemed in deep thought for a moment and hen replied "Yes, but make sure they are trustworthy"

Jagger Buckley: forbidden child (Percy Jackson AU)Where stories live. Discover now