Fighting the Wolves

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Walking in a country road, taking me home, to the place I belong should be relaxing. But on this occasion, not even my favorite song "Country Roads" could help me slow down my heartbeat. Let me recap a little. Just about half an hour before, my history teacher, Mrs. Fort, turned out to be a siren that wanted to eat me. Not only that, but some demonic thing seemed to take control of my body and mind, making me torture and kill her. Right now I was walking in the road (which seemed more like the woods with a little bit of road on it) towards my home, the orphanage God's Children Home, with the new hot girl Silena Beauregard by my side. We were walking for about twenty minutes now when she suddenly took my hand and lead me down another path.

"Wait what are you doing? The orphanage is that way. That path takes you north" I asked her. She looked at me with sympathy, making my insides quite uneasy.

"Well, Jagger" she began and kept leading me that way, "I told you I would explain everything, and I intend to keep my promise. Right now we are going to Camp Half-Blood, a special camp with people like us"

"What do you mean like us?" I asked obviously confused

"What do you know about the Greek Gods?" she instead asked me back. Honestly, why can't I ever get a straight answer? Like damn, sometimes you ask a girl if they like you and they take it as if you like them. No, I just wanted to ask if you liked me so I could stop talking to you with a valid reason.

"Seriously Beauregard, we just took a class on them"

"Well, you may not believe me, but those 'myths'" she said using the air quotes "are actually true. You, my dear friend, are a demigod, child of a god/goddess and a mortal. That is the reason you have ADHD and dyslexia. The dyslexia is due to the fact that our brains are hardwired into ancient Greek, and the ADHD comes from our battle reflexes." That was the craziest thing I've heard in my life. Crazier than when the bible said 'I have seen God face to face, and my life is preserved' in Genesis 32:30, but then said 'No man hath seen God at any time' in John 1:18. Crazier than people believing the Earth is flat. Crazier than the girls who think they'll end up marrying me.

"What drugs are you taking? It can't be acid or cocaine, it doesn't look like heroin. Maybe percocet?" I asked her

"What the hell dude no. I swear all I said is true"

"Prove it" I challenged her

"Fine. Grab a stick and write in the ground 'I am a stupid boy'" she commanded me. Suddenly, I felt myself lose control of my own body, like if it was on autopilot. My body went and grabbed a stick, but I quickly got my senses back. I was on high alert, knowing that this girl could be dangerous. I bent down on the ground next to Silena and slowly wrote something.

"I am a stupid girl -Silena," she said clearly surprised by what I wrote "I don't understand, nobody has been able to resist my charmspeak"

"Well there's always a first time for everything," I said winking at her. I turned around and started walking towards the orphanage. I felt my hand being taken strongly, so I turned around again and found Silena looking at me with some kind of pity.

"What, "I said clearly irritated "can't I just go home and forget all that you've told me?" I said as I shook her off and continued walking towards my home

"If you continue to the orphanage you'll be putting all of them in danger" I turned to be facing her, but still kept walking home

"Well too bad, because frankly, I don't really care. I just want you to get away from me" I told her as calmly as possible as I took my leave. I walked for about a mile when suddenly I got a strong feeling that something was wrong. I trusted my instincts, running towards the orphanage, running as fast as possible, running through people, running through the roads, everything I could do to get to my home faster. When I got there, I saw that the house was on fire, with the firefighters already there. I saw them taking out some bodies and I quickly thought the worst.

Jagger Buckley: forbidden child (Percy Jackson AU)Where stories live. Discover now