Telling my tale

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You would imagine a hunter of Artemis would be more cautious with the stuff boys give to her, but apparently, that's not true. Well, at least it's not true in the case of Phoebe.

Turns out that a T-shirt the Stoll brothers gave to her was dipped in centaur blood, which is like acid to us. Did I forget to say that part? Yeah well apparently when I was zoned out earlier today, the Stolls gave Phoebe a super rare shirt about Artemis, and so the stupid hunter is now bedridden.

"We are now four, shouldn't another hunter come?" Thalia asked me once we were inside the van

"No, this is a part of the prophecy. 'One will be lost in the land without rain'. This is the land without rain, and one has been lost," she didn't sound too convinced "besides, with fewer hunters around we have a bigger possibility of not being killed by one of our fellow quest members."

"True. Let's just hope everything comes around fine,"

"Yeah, let's just hope," but in reality, I was feeling crazy nervous. I mean, besides being my first quest, I need to save my mother. And if that wasn't enough, I'm highly convinced that she will accidentally kill me (or maybe not so accidentally).

Around a minute passed and the four of us were inside the van. Then, we fought over who should drive the van, and there were three possible candidates. Zoë Nightshade said she should ride because she was the leader of the hunters and therefore the leader of the quest to save Artemis. When I told her that this was my quest, she proceeded to insult me.

"If instead of insulting me you made good arguments, maybe you would get what you want and not have such a bad reputation,"

"Well maybe if thy didn't annoy me thou wouldn't have a problem."

"Was that even grammatically correct?" Thalia asked. Grover and I laughed till our belly's hurt, so Zoë took the opportunity to go to the front of the van and began to drive. We were taken by surprise and were sent to the back of the van.

"So, where should we head towards?" I asked after a while

"We should go to Washington DC" Grover said.

"Why? That's not west and the prophesy specifically said west. We cannot afford to lose time," I said woth slight panic in my voice, which made Grover and Zoë look at me curiously,"

"Why do you care about Lady Artemis so much? I mean, I get it. She's pretty, so into nature, so strong, wise, pretty, brave-" Grover began to say before Thalia interrupted

"You sound like you're in love with her. What about your little friend Juniper?"

"We're nothing!"

"Anyways. Why go to DC?" I asked a little more forcefully

"I can smell her. At least, her scent was there."

"Fine, we're going there" I said

"What?! Just because a boy said Milady was there?!" The current driver said

"Yes. And do I need to remind you that this quest was issued to me? So head to DC before I kill you" I said in a dead serious tone, and I noticed that both Grover and Thalia backed away from me. Even Zoë seemed scared.

The next few hours were silent, with Zoë stealing glances at me in fear I would do something. But the weird part was that even Thalia didn't want to be next to me. So I just respected her decision, but I was afraid she was going to end things.

When we arrived at DC, Grover told us to go to the Smithsonian. Once there, we went to get something to eat, because we were hungry as Hades.

Suddenly, Thalia was sent forward as if someone had bumped into her. I turned back and saw the last person I wanted to see right now.

Jagger Buckley: forbidden child (Percy Jackson AU)Where stories live. Discover now