some 12 year-old presents

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Chiron was the type of guy (technically centaur) who you could have a proper conversation with.  After he presented Camp Half-Blood by literally saying "Welcome to Camp Half-Blood" (or something along those words) he beckoned me to follow his trail. I was hot on his heels considering that I was just beat to almost unconscious by Silena.

On our way, many other teenagers were looking at me with curiosity. I mean, looking at it from their perspective it must be a little weird. Imagine, you're a camper here, you know everyone and then suddenly out of nowhere, that Aphrodite girl came back with a guy you don't know and she started beating the devil out of him. Of course, you would be curious as to who the hell is the guy. Even I don't know who I am!

We entered the Big House, which contained about four floors more or less. I followed Chiron into a room where a fat guy with leopard print shirt and purple pants sat with cards on his hands. On the table sat a half-empty diet Coke, some empty cans and a magazine that read "Wine Enthusiast Weekly". The guy seemed to have a powerful aura, but also seemed lazy so he didn't pose any immediate threat.

"Jagger, this is Mr. D, the camp director. Mr. D this is Jagger Buckley, a new camper" I simply nodded. Mr. D, on the other hand, let out a loud sigh and put his cards down. He looked at me with so much annoyance I thought he was going to make me disappear right then and there.

"Great, another brat!" Mr. D said sarcastically

"Great, another adult who doesn't care about kids. You should go to work at a school, you could pass for a PE teacher" I told him

Mr. D's face turned redder than a chili. He glared at me with so much hate that I almost regretted what I said to him.

"Listen Jesper Budding, you better learn to respect a god. Others would not hesitate to kill you where you stand" Mr. D said in a serious note, making no room for jokes or arguments.

Wait a minute...respect a god? Mr. D...reading wine magazines...lazy...this could only mean one thing.

"You're Lord Dionysius aren't you?" I said in a low but confident voice

"Finally, a brat who gets who I am. Hopefully there will be no need to turn him into a dolphin. I'll be nice to you and try to learn your name. It's Jesper Budding right?"

"Jagger Buckley"

"Now, Mr. D" Chiron interrupted "I have some personal manners I wish to discuss with young Jagger here. Do you think you could leave me and the child alone for a few minutes?"

"This is bull- yeah ok I'll leave, but make sure you're fast. I don't want to wait to play my game any longer" Dionysus took his leave from the room and closed the door, letting me alone with Chiron.

I let out a breath I didn't know I was holding. The room suddenly became more habitable as to say, the sun light shone more brightly, the air felt lighter and I felt as I could inspect the room for possible escapes.

That's just something I've always liked to do. Wherever I'm in a close space, I like to look for ways to escape in case of an emergency. For example, right nor I could go through the window and run about 200m towards the woods. I could also jump on the table, punch the ceiling (it had a little hole in it that could break with the smallest effort) and go from there. Then there is the easiest one that would be escaping through the main door, but that could resort in many problems.

What was I talking about before? I was alone with Chiron the centaur right.

"So, how do you know who I am?" I asked breaking the ice while simultaneously asking what I had in the back of my mind since he said I was from West Virginia.

Jagger Buckley: forbidden child (Percy Jackson AU)Where stories live. Discover now